What are your favorite cells? The stem variety? T-cells? I have a hard time choosing just one favorite.
The first news item I feature talks new imaging methods to see deep inside any cells. Have a favorite organelle?
Cryo-Electron Tomography view inside a cell. “Cryo-electron tomography reveals a phase-separated protein degradation microcompartment where proteasomes (red) cluster at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane (cytosolic ribosomes: light blue; membrane-bound ribosomes: dark blue; Cdc48: yellow; membranes: white; Protein structures obtained by subtomogram averaging and subsequently mapped back into the cellular tomogram). Data courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Engel, Helmholtz Zentrum München.”
For stem cells, bigger doesn’t mean better,MIT News. Cell size and the mechanisms that control cell growth (as in getting bigger, not necessarily proliferating) are fascinating. Sometimes smaller is better too.
Incredible paper on apoptotic cells mediating therapeutic effects. Thank you for sharing https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26834-3
This explains so many things.