Recommended reads: stem cell scientists, eggs from blood, Cryo-Cell

We’ll begin this week’s recommended reads with some news on two wonderful stem cell scientists. While there are thousands of stem cell scientists, some stand out for their especially creative work.

News on stem cell scientists


Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka, the first to produce induced pluripotent stem cells
Dr. Shinya Yamanaka.

Nobel laureate Yamanaka to retire as director of iPS cell center, Asahi Shimbun. Dr. Yamanaka will spend more time on his own lab’s research.

Jun Takahashi will be the new CiRA leader.

Fuchs goes boldly where no stem cell biologist has gone before, ASBMB. When reading the headline I thought the story might be about stem cell scientist Elaine Fuchs going to space or something. However, it’s about her winning a prestigious award.

I love this quote from her:

“You can never solve an equation about life,” Fuchs said. “It took me much of my career to realize that that’s what I enjoy most about biology. There are always new questions that emerge from each experiment.”

I recommend the video below from Fuchs explaining skin stem cells.

Recommended research articles

Industry news

How Silicon Valley hatched a plan to turn blood into human eggs, MIT Tech Review.

The Better Business Bureau recommends Cryo-Cell Discontinue or Modify Certain Health-Related Claims for Cord Blood Banking and Treatment Services. The report writes that the advertising in question, “conveyed the unsupported message that families must engage the advertiser’s cord blood storage services to ensure access to the advertised cord blood infusion treatments.” ViaCord reportedly had challenged  this advertising. Cryo-Cell is a cord blood bank that with Duke is trying to open an unproven cord cell infusion clinic for kids with neurological conditions.

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