Combinations of human flesh and robots are more in the news lately. Sometimes the fleshy parts are grown from stem cells in a lab.
Robots with fleshy faces
Scientists in Japan Give Robots a Fleshy Face and a Smile, NYT. I’m working on a piece about robots in China with small, human brain-like structures. Stay tuned for that. Now we have another kind of robot with a fleshy, creepy kind of “smile.” What’s next?
More recommended reads
- I’ve written before about the innovative spina bifida stem cell research going on here at UC Davis. The work has included a phase of treating bulldogs with the investigational approach, which produced very encouraging data. The work in humans is now ongoing and also looks exciting. I’ve shared a video above about this line of research. This could be one of the first-of-its-kind stem cell treatments approved in the US someday.
- Congress called for an ALS moonshot. The plan for it doesn’t leave Earth, STAT News.
- A Retracted Stem Cell Study Reveals Science’s Shortcomings, Scientific American. This is a first-person piece from Peter Aldhous who noted problems with papers from Catherine Verfaillie many years earlier.
- Can Oligonucleotide Infusions Really Fix Lyme, Cancer, and Other Diseases? MedPage Today. Here’s more on my views on SOT therapy.
Neuronal DNA repair reveals strategies to influence CRISPR editing outcomes, bioRxiv. This is great stuff from a team led by Bruce Conklin.
And now for something completely different but cool
The forgotten priest who predicted black holes – in 1783, BBC. This is an intriguing piece. The understanding of the universe centuries ago was surprisingly precise and creative.