Search Results for: moratorium

CRISPR baby moratorium grows likely with rising tide of support including from biotech


Trying to make a CRISPR baby any time soon would be a really bad idea. How bad? Last December 3rd I penned a piece for STAT News arguing for a moratorium on the heritable use of CRISPR in humans. This potential future, radical application of “gene editing” is now often colloquially referred to as “CRISPR […]

CRISPR baby moratorium grows likely with rising tide of support including from biotech Read More »

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit


I just got back from a historic summit on human genetic modification in Washington, D.C. New genetic modification technology, termed CRISPR-Cas9, has both made genetic modification a relatively simple matter for scientists and human genetic modification much more likely in the near future. Heritable human genetic modification could prevent some rare genetic diseases so there

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit Read More »

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR


The Obama Administration today weighed in on human germline genetic modification such as via CRISPR via a note from John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The White House indicated support for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR Read More »

ISSCR calls for moratorium on clinical application of human germline nuclear genome editing


The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) just now released a new policy statement on human germline gene editing. The statement calls for a ban on clinical application of human germline gene editing technology. Here is the brief summary statement at the beginning: The International Society for Stem Cell Research calls for a moratorium on

ISSCR calls for moratorium on clinical application of human germline nuclear genome editing Read More »

Readers across the globe favor moratorium on gene editing of human germ cells in poll


In a still ongoing on-line poll, readers of this blog show a pattern of consistently favoring a moratorium on genetic modification of human germ cells. With more than 150 votes cast, the top two answers are ‘strongly favor’ and ‘favor’ a moratorium on human germline genetic modification. Only 15% strongly opposed a moratorium. Overall those

Readers across the globe favor moratorium on gene editing of human germ cells in poll Read More »

Proposed Moratorium on Genetic Modification of Human Germ Cells


One of the hottest topics in the biomedical world in 2015 is heritable human genetic modification including via germ cells. There is an unsettling sense that genetically modified human germ cells and eventually GMO human beings are likely coming even if science and society are not ready for it. There are a hodgepodge of laws against human

Proposed Moratorium on Genetic Modification of Human Germ Cells Read More »

Recommended reads: ISSCR guidelines pushback, TB outbreak from regen product, pubs


Although in my years as a stem cell biologist I haven’t yet been in a leadership role at the International Society for Stem Cell Research or ISSCR, unproven stem cell clinics have claimed that I somehow speak for ISSCR. I am just a standard member of the group like thousands of other researchers. In fact,

Recommended reads: ISSCR guidelines pushback, TB outbreak from regen product, pubs Read More »

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps


Something called, “The International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing” has issued a new report on heritable human genome editing (HHGE). The Commission was convened by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.K.’s Royal Society. This post is my initial take on the summary of

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps Read More »