Search Results for: sally temple

Sally Temple on adult RPEs for vision impairment, IND, & more


At the recent RPI stem cell and bioengineering meeting, the Neural Stem Cell Institute’s Sally Temple talked about her group’s intriguing retinal pigmented epithelial cell (RPE) research. With the broad focus of attention in the world of RPEs mostly on those derived from either human ESC or IPSC, it was exciting to here about the […]

Sally Temple on adult RPEs for vision impairment, IND, & more Read More »

Weekly reads: NAM dubs 3 stem cell researchers, kick the 2 buckets, stem cell homing

Sally Temple, stem cell researchers

The National Academy of Medicine elected a cohort of new members including three stem cell researchers. It’s great to see our field and these great scientists get recognition. The new NAM stem cell researchers include Sally Temple, Connie Eaves, and Tippie MacKenzie. Here’s a little bit about each of them. Dr. Temple is a stem cell biologist

Weekly reads: NAM dubs 3 stem cell researchers, kick the 2 buckets, stem cell homing Read More »

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017


By Cátia Bandeiras, PhD Student at University of Lisbon, Portugal and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See tweets from the conference using #ISSCR2017 @apulgarita I just wrapped up my stay at the Annual Meeting of ISSCR 2017, which happened in Boston. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am living in Boston at

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017 Read More »

3 Dangerous Texas Bills Would Boost Stem Cell Clinics


The Calexit and Texit state secession campaigns for California and Texas to leave the union, which are linked to Russian President Putin, are never going to be successful. However, if some Texas lawmakers and stem cell clinics there have their way, Texas would take a big step away from the rest of us on the stem cell

3 Dangerous Texas Bills Would Boost Stem Cell Clinics Read More »

Kudos to Dr. Oz for stellar stem cell clinic show: time for more action


For me it’s been a wild week of grant and paper writing, grant review, going over data, and more, but finally I had a chance to watch this week’s Dr. Oz show on stem cell clinics in full last night and I give it an A+ grade. A show producer went undercover with an MS patient to a

Kudos to Dr. Oz for stellar stem cell clinic show: time for more action Read More »

Dr. Oz Explosive Exposé on Stem Cell Clinics Airs Tomorrow


American stem cell clinics put thousands of patients at risk each year through hawking expensive, unproven and unapproved medical interventions, and now Dr. Oz is reportedly taking them on in a new show set to air tomorrow.  Those running the clinics have affixed the buzz phrase “stem cells” onto a whole range of stuff ranging

Dr. Oz Explosive Exposé on Stem Cell Clinics Airs Tomorrow Read More »

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award


I received a score of great nominations for the Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award and have briefly described the twenty nominees below. The point of the award is to honor the top positive stem cell leader who specifically thinks outside the box and takes risks. I’ve started an on-line vote where you can vote once per day for

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award Read More »

Lorenz Studer named 2015 MacArthur Fellow for stem cell work


Congratulations to Lorenz Studer as a MacArthur Fellow. The annual selection of MacArthur Fellows highlights creative leaders in a variety of fields. The fellows receive $625,000 with no strings attached. Stem cell biologists have been selected on a regular basis over the years as MacArthur Fellows including Kevin Eggan (2006), Sally Temple (2008), and Yukiko

Lorenz Studer named 2015 MacArthur Fellow for stem cell work Read More »

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute stem cell meeting report


Last week I attended and spoke at a stem cell meeting at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). It was entitled, “Bioengineering and Stem Cell Research”. It was a great meeting with many interesting talks. Below I write about some of the talks and themes of the meeting. Still to come later this week I will do a second post entirely

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute stem cell meeting report Read More »