Search Results for: stap cells

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress


Exactly ten years ago today, on January 29, 2014, I wrote about two new Nature papers on so-called STAP cells. The papers claimed that stress alone could convert regular non-stem cells into some of the most powerful stem cells. More specifically, the authors claimed to make pluripotent stem cells similar to iPS cells this way. […]

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress Read More »

STAP cells (stap細胞) are real deal says new Vacanti patent declaration


STAP is back? Really? No, I don’t believe so, but there’s an interesting development and twist on the STAP cell front. Just a few days ago on January 4, 2017 Dr. Charles Vacanti, the originator of the STAP cells concept, submitted a declaration to the USPTO affirming the belief that STAP cells are real and requesting that

STAP cells (stap細胞) are real deal says new Vacanti patent declaration Read More »

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more


Haruko Obokata reportedtly has written a book that is somewhat of a memoir of her life including the STAP cell scandal. The exact nature of the book remains mostly a mystery at this point. It should be out on the 2nd anniversary of the STAP cell papers being published. Kyodo News gives some more details

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more Read More »

Obokata Can’t Reproduce STAP Cells


Signaling a nightmare ending to what was originally a fairy tale scientific story, the Japanese press (e.g. here) are reporting that Haruko Obokata has herself been unable to make STAP cells again as part of a RIKEN team testing STAP under watchful supervision. In advance of a scheduled RIKEN press conference tomorrow, newspapers including Asahi Shimbun are

Obokata Can’t Reproduce STAP Cells Read More »

STAP cells Voted as the Stem Cell Story of the Year for 2014


When I asked the readers of this blog what they felt was the biggest stem cell story of 2014 in a poll, they overwhelmingly picked the STAP cell scandal. For background on STAP you can toggle through the many STAP cell pieces on this blog here, see a STAP timeline, and a STAP image gallery. Basically,

STAP cells Voted as the Stem Cell Story of the Year for 2014 Read More »

Sherley patent for reprogramming method like STAP cells


A new patent has been awarded to James Sherley for a very unusual method claimed for making induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The patent, No. 8,759,098, claims that a single non-genetic chemical agent, xanthine, can by itself reprogram adult stem cells (ASC) into iPS cells (aka iPSCs; see image they released at left). Surprising patent, huh? Another

Sherley patent for reprogramming method like STAP cells Read More »

Poll indicates that STAP cells are stem cell story of the year so far


What’s the biggest stem cell story of the year so far? I did a poll asking just that and the result so far overwhelmingly indicate that respondents believe the STAP cell scandal to be the top stem cell story of 2014 about half way through the year. You can see the results from the 210+

Poll indicates that STAP cells are stem cell story of the year so far Read More »

Does Europe Know Something About STAP Cells That We Don’t? Latest Poll Results


For more than 3 months I’ve been doing a tracking poll on the sentiments of the readers of this blog about STAP stem cells. The question is “Do you believe in STAP Stem Cells?” The result are summarized in the graph above. The latest poll results from period #9 are somewhat of a surprise. The

Does Europe Know Something About STAP Cells That We Don’t? Latest Poll Results Read More »