Search Results for: ted talk

Human CRISPR TED talk

I’ve written extensively about the potential use of CRISPR in humans, including in particular in the germline where it would lead to heritable genetic modifications. Research using CRISPR in human embryos strictly for research purposes (not reproduction) is proceeding and in the case of non-viable embryos, such work has already been published (e.g. here), but

Human CRISPR TED talk Read More »

Key Mayo Clinic stem cell webpage is overexuberant & outdated

The Mayo Clinic.

The Mayo Clinic does some great research on stem cells and regenerative medicine. However, at times I’ve felt that a few Mayo researchers are overexuberant. This mainly relates to certain not-yet-proven stem cell and related offerings. Fitting with that perception, the Mayo website also has some inaccurate stem cell content that leans toward overstating things.

Key Mayo Clinic stem cell webpage is overexuberant & outdated Read More »

Man reportedly dies after getting unproven stem cell therapy in Mexico

stem cell death, stem cell therapy in mexico

A surfer news site reported that a man recently died after getting an unproven stem cell therapy in Mexico. The article is entitled Tragedy strikes in Mexico as Shane Dorian’s traveling companion for “life-altering” stem-cell therapy dies. Shane Dorian is a famous surfer who hopes to fight aging at 51. As part of that effort, Dorian

Man reportedly dies after getting unproven stem cell therapy in Mexico Read More »

Mayo Clinic charges patients just to talk about clinical trials?

The Mayo Clinic.

What if some legit place like The Mayo Clinic charged people just for the opportunity to talk to a doctor about possibly enrolling in a clinical trial? Imagine this kind of conversation. “Hey, Doc, I have this medical problem and heard you have a relevant clinical trial. Tell me about it.” Then the doctor fills

Mayo Clinic charges patients just to talk about clinical trials? Read More »

Lawmaker indicted for selling fake stem cells for COVID & more

patricia derges indictment for fake stem cells sm

A grand jury indicted Missouri state representative and assistant physician Patricia Derges for allegedly selling and injecting patients with fake stem cells. The injection was reportedly just of amniotic fluid, but Derges allegedly claimed it was a stem cell treatment. NBC News was one of several media outlets that broke the story here after the

Lawmaker indicted for selling fake stem cells for COVID & more Read More »

He Jiankui didn’t really gene edit those girls; he mutated them


Did Chinese researcher He Jiankui really CRISPR gene edit the CCR5 gene in two embryos producing twin baby girls? In my opinion the answer is “no”, but probably not for the reason you might think at first. He proclaims gene edits He claimed he had made twin baby girls with “gene edits”, which I feel is unethical

He Jiankui didn’t really gene edit those girls; he mutated them Read More »