Search Results for: ted talk

Money talks: stem cell clinic ads mushrooming in mainstream media


Over the years I’ve been keeping my eyes open for advertising by stem cell clinics and lately the trend is big splashy ads in mainstream media including large daily newspapers such as the SacBee, the San Francisco Chronicle, and now the Seattle times (see below from today’s). These kinds of big ad buys on front or […]

Money talks: stem cell clinic ads mushrooming in mainstream media Read More »

Live blogging Future of Genome Medicine: great talks by Feng Zhang & others


What is the future of Genome Medicine? The meeting by that same name that I’m at down here in La Jolla is all about tackling this question and the line up of speakers today on the first day is amazing. I’m speaking about IPS cells as a basis for personalized medicine tomorrow morning so that’s exciting.

Live blogging Future of Genome Medicine: great talks by Feng Zhang & others Read More »

Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016: Patient Advocate Ted Harada


Patient advocate Ted Harada is the recipient of this year’s Stem Cell Person of the Year Award. Congrats also to the runner-up, HD patient advocate Judy Roberson. The three of us together are pictured at left. You can read about the 20 nominees here and see the vote results that picked the 10 finalists here.

Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016: Patient Advocate Ted Harada Read More »

‘Are fat stem cell clinics selling unapproved drugs?’ reporters ask in talking about our new paper


Our new paper in the journal Cell Stem Cell on the large stem cell clinic marketplace in the U.S. documented a wide range of different kinds of clinics, stem cells used, and conditions claimed to be treated, but here I want to focus on the fat stem cell clinics in this post. I’m going to try

‘Are fat stem cell clinics selling unapproved drugs?’ reporters ask in talking about our new paper Read More »

Fiona Watt excellent talk on epidermal stem cell plasticity #ISSCR2016


Yesterday at ISSCR 2016, Fiona Watt gave a great talk about plasticity of epidermal stem cells. As with my other #ISSCR2016 posts, this one is a stream of impressions, quotes, and key points. For my other blog posts from the meeting see here. First she provided a nice overview of human skin architecture and regulation. The

Fiona Watt excellent talk on epidermal stem cell plasticity #ISSCR2016 Read More »

Thought provoking talk from John Dick at #ISSCR2016 on cancer stem cells


Dr. John Dick gave a great talk yesterday on cancer stem cells here at ISSCR 2016. Below I summarize his talk and as always with these meeting blogs, the post is not polished and is more of a stream of the speaker’s main points. He started out broadly with a nice introduction to this area of

Thought provoking talk from John Dick at #ISSCR2016 on cancer stem cells Read More »

Austin Smith talk at #ISSCR2016: a ground state inhibitor pathway


ISSCR 2016’s first plenary session is focused on stem cells & cancer. I was really excited about this one even before the meeting as this topic is a major focus of my own lab. Here’s the lineup for this plenary with great expertise in stem cells & cancer from across the globe: President’s Address: Sean Morrison, Children’s

Austin Smith talk at #ISSCR2016: a ground state inhibitor pathway Read More »

If Trump & Other Politicians Debated #CRISPR: Saturday Science Satire


Politicians including Trump may start talking about CRISPR more and more in the near future. What if politicians weighed in on CRISPR with Tweets or statements in debates? What if this happened during the particularly charged time of a political campaign such as now? Below is a Saturday science satire in that spirit of imagined Tweets

If Trump & Other Politicians Debated #CRISPR: Saturday Science Satire Read More »

Watch Jennifer Doudna and I talking #CRISPR tonight on PBS NewsHour


I just finished filming a segment for PBS NewsHour, their national nightly news show along with Jennifer Doudna.   It will air tonight. Take a look. Gwen Ifill interviewed Doudna and me about CRISPR and human genetic modification. I’ve pasted the video in YouTube Above. You can read my interview with Dr. Doudna on The

Watch Jennifer Doudna and I talking #CRISPR tonight on PBS NewsHour Read More »