Dr. Florence Sabin, Great American Scientist and Trailblazer for Women in Science

I am currently researching an article on the “discovery” of stem cells and the earliest stem cell research. Stay tuned for that. As I’ve been educating myself on the early history of stem cells I became familiar with a scientist that I had not previously heard of during my career who played a key role […]

Dr. Florence Sabin, Great American Scientist and Trailblazer for Women in Science Read More »

Seven sins of scientists part 2: paper or grant killing

I started my series on the sins of scientists last week with a piece called “Failure to Cite”. “Failure to cite” refers to the practice whereby some scientists choose not to cite the papers of their competitors, to make their own seem more novel, or as payback to folks they consider their “enemies”. In today’s

Seven sins of scientists part 2: paper or grant killing Read More »

Anti-stem cell activists target Kraft, Campbell’s and Nestle


Anyone getting tired of those anti-stem cell activists folks slamming Pepsi for supposedly using stem cells in their flavor research, when in reality the cells in question are not stem cells? Maybe the Pepsi-haters are too as they are now reportedly on the case of Kraft and Nestle too as well as Campbell’s, which makes

Anti-stem cell activists target Kraft, Campbell’s and Nestle Read More »

Dr Lookgood, dermatologist to the stars, gets FDA warning letter


If you ever had a really bad day, March 13, 2012 might have been just such a bad day for one Dr. Steven Victor, aka “Dr LookGood”, because he received an official warning letter from the FDA. Why? Dr. Victor, who reportedly greets each patient with the catch phrase “You look so much more beautiful than your picture”, is

Dr Lookgood, dermatologist to the stars, gets FDA warning letter Read More »

Shocker: FDA views treatment with ethylene oxide, a highly toxic carcinogen, & irradiation as minimal manipulation

What does the FDA define as “minimally manipulated” when it comes to biologics such as stem cells? You will be shocked to find out, but they include irradiation and treatment with the super toxin/carcinogen, ethylene oxide. In a recent post I discussed the issue of an apparent “minimal manipulation” exception (some might even call it a

Shocker: FDA views treatment with ethylene oxide, a highly toxic carcinogen, & irradiation as minimal manipulation Read More »

Vatican in turmoil as it kills its upcoming stem cell conference

The Vatican has reportedly killed its planned upcoming stem cell conference. What’s the scoop? Last year the Vatican had an invitation only stem cell conference at which embryonic stem cell researchers, who are presumably going to Hell, and discussion of embryonic stem cell research were banned. I did a number of posts on this 2011

Vatican in turmoil as it kills its upcoming stem cell conference Read More »

Five simple ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy and biologically younger

GO here for an even newer updated look at protecting one’s stem cells. Regenerative medicine is very exciting. But what’s even better than regenerative medicine? Preventative medicine. If one can prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, it is far better than trying to treat it after the fact. Of course in many

Five simple ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy and biologically younger Read More »

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