
There is a vast amount of anti-aging hype out there. Some of this involves stem cell-related approaches. In posts in this category Professor Paul Knoepfler fact-checks the hype, focusing on data.

Review of new David Sinclair paper, supplements & anti-aging glitz

David sinclair, anti-aging

Who is David Sinclair and why is he all over the media related to anti-aging efforts? This post is my effort to fact-check Sinclair’s statements in the context of the broader rejuvenation arena. In the process I also review his most recent paper from my view as a stem cell and cancer biologist interested in […]

Review of new David Sinclair paper, supplements & anti-aging glitz Read More »

Long telomeres link to disease suggests caution on anti-aging push

long telomeres

Are long telomeres better than short ones? What about older folks lengthening their telomeres somewhat or stabilizing the length? Could this counter aging? As with many things, the story is far more complicated than we might hope. For background, telomeres are special structures protecting the ends of chromosomes. I remember as a young student that

Long telomeres link to disease suggests caution on anti-aging push Read More »

Perspectives on David Sinclair anti-aging Cell pub & in vivo reprogramming

methuselah mouse, anti-aging

About twenty years ago a science story made big news of a so-called anti-aging Methuselah gene. Methuselah gene and anti-aging The claim was that this DNA conferred long life on people. Hence the name Methuselah, which refers to a man from the Bible who reportedly lived 969 years. The so-called Methuselah gene was at first not a

Perspectives on David Sinclair anti-aging Cell pub & in vivo reprogramming Read More »

Weekly stem cell reads: aging & cells, iPS cell mutations, gut, more

Stem cells aging

Does aging do something to time so it seems like as you get older that time goes by faster? Remember as a little kid when summer seemed to last forever and car rides could be agonizingly long? I’ve heard two theories on this. One is that the brain’s baseline of activity slows down with aging

Weekly stem cell reads: aging & cells, iPS cell mutations, gut, more Read More »

Weekly reads: $1B Saudi anti-aging push, OCT4 necklace, cancer trial wows, coffee brain

Stem-Cells-Aging, anti-aging

I recently wrote about stem cell-related ideas for anti-aging and even cheating death, but there are of course other approaches including drugs like metformin. A new article outlines a massive research funding plan to tackle aging. Let’s start with that. Recommend reads including anti-aging Saudi Arabia plans to spend $1 billion a year discovering treatments to

Weekly reads: $1B Saudi anti-aging push, OCT4 necklace, cancer trial wows, coffee brain Read More »

Cheating death via regenerative medicine or stem cells?


How does one go about cheating death? As I get older, fighting aging seems more relevant. Having battled a potentially fatal cancer also gave me a taste of mortality. In biomedical research, it seems like living longer has become an obsession for some recently. Cheating death with cell therapies or other regenerative approaches? Could stem

Cheating death via regenerative medicine or stem cells? Read More »

Nature paper claims young CSF fights brain aging in mice

old mice get young CSF

A new Nature paper argues that young CSF fights brain aging. Young CSF vs. young blood CSF is the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain, including those of young mice. The claim is that when young CSF is injected into the brain/CNS cavity of old mice, it makes the aged brains seem younger. And function

Nature paper claims young CSF fights brain aging in mice Read More »

Review of Peter Diamandis Fountain Life clinics: more than stem cell hype?

Fountain Life Peter Diamandis featured

Many of you readers know tech guru Peter Diamandis for his great X PRIZE, but he’s also involved in the regenerative medicine world including a new effort called Fountain Life. Teaming up with life coach Tony Robbins and others for Fountain Life raises some red flags for me. What’s in this article Peter Diamandis and

Review of Peter Diamandis Fountain Life clinics: more than stem cell hype? Read More »

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