human genetic modification

1st Knockout Human Embryos Made with CRISPR: My Take on the Pub


Scientist make knockout human embryos with CRISPR? Today we see a new Nature paper (Fogarty, et al.) on CRISPR “gene editing” of human embryos, this time from the UK from Kathy Niakan’s group. Niakan got UK permission about 18 months ago to CRISPR healthy human embryos so they’ve been hard at work since. Because Fredrik […]

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Mulling over that Mitalipov human embryo CRISPR pub, still many questions


What really happened at the DNA level in the experiments in that high-profile CRISPR of human embryos paper from a team led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov at OHSU? Is the team right that they successfully conducted CRISPR of human embryos to correct a mutant gene, as they reported in their Ma, et al. Nature paper? Or is the Egli,

Mulling over that Mitalipov human embryo CRISPR pub, still many questions Read More »

Mitalipov briefly responds to Egli preprint, stands by human embryo CRISPR pub findings


There has been a wave of intense discussions both in the public domain such as on Twitter and behind the scenes over the new Egli, et al. preprint that challenges the main conclusions of the Ma, et al. Nature paper from Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s lab. Ma, et al. reported CRISPR gene editing of human embryos, arguing for

Mitalipov briefly responds to Egli preprint, stands by human embryo CRISPR pub findings Read More »

FDA chides US doc who genetically modified human embryo in reported 3-person IVF


The FDA sent a stern letter today to Dr. John Zhang, PhD, MD, the physician who last year created a genetically modified human embryo in the U.S. and then exported it to Mexico where he self-reported creating a genetically modified baby boy. While the genetically modified baby created in Mexico was reportedly seemingly OK, it’s not clear

FDA chides US doc who genetically modified human embryo in reported 3-person IVF Read More »

Review of Mitalipov paper CRISPR’ing human embryos: transformative work on the edge


In the same way perhaps that some excited relatives or parents-to-be both gush and worry about a baby before it is even born, our field has been transfixed for a week by the Mitalipov paper on CRISPR’ing human embryos even though the paper just now came out. Now that the paper is out, we can

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Big 5 questions anticipating Mitalipov human embryo CRISPR paper


The human embryo CRISPR paper with Shoukhrat Mitalipov as senior author is coming soon. It will reportedly be focused on the use of CRISPR to genetically modify viable human embryos for reversal of a disease-associated mutation. While strangely press already broke early on this paper last week, as much as a week before the paper

Big 5 questions anticipating Mitalipov human embryo CRISPR paper Read More »

In first for U.S., Mitalipov reportedly CRISPR’d human embryos & it was great


More CRISPR’d human embryos, but this time in America? MIT Tech Review is reporting that Oregon scientist Shoukhrat Mitalipov has used CRISPR on human embryos in his lab in the US. Apparently a paper is in the works on this. While details are sketchy and some specifics remain to be clarified to be sure of

In first for U.S., Mitalipov reportedly CRISPR’d human embryos & it was great Read More »

NYT asks which sci-fi work is most prescient today: I think GATTACA


The New York Times recently asked 6 people what sci-fi movie or novel is most prescient today; in my view it’s GATTACA. The responses ran the gamut: Fahrenheit 451, The Martian, The Fifth Season, The Body Snatchers, Book of the New Sun, and Use of Weapons. To me of those 6, the best case can

NYT asks which sci-fi work is most prescient today: I think GATTACA Read More »

Live Blogging NAS Human Gene Editing Summit: #GeneEditSummit


The National Academy of Sciences (NAS)  summit on Human Gene Editing will begin in a few days on December 1 in Washington, D.C. This summit is in part the extension of discussions that started at a more informal meeting on CRISPR earlier this year in Napa organized by Jennifer Doudna and colleagues. The NAS meeting

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Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement


The international stem cell policy and ethics think tank, the Hinxton Group, weighed in yesterday on heritable human genetic modification with a new policy statement. The Hinxton statement is in many ways in agreement with the Baltimore, et al. Nature paper proposing a “prudent path forward” for human germline genetic modification, which came out of

Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement Read More »

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