stem cells

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: making eggs, retraction, freezing, more

hamazaki et al nature fig 2b induction of oocytes from es cells

What to read when there are almost an endless number of stem cell and regenerative medicine pubs? Here are some suggestions including what I would say is a very unusual Nature paper on making egg cells from stem cells. If this could be done safely with human cells all the way to functional eggs, would […]

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: making eggs, retraction, freezing, more Read More »

Medical Board of California is slowly failing on stem cell clinic problem


The Medical Board of California has been aware of the unproven stem cell clinic problem here for many years, but in my view the Board isn’t helping the problem in a real, meaningful way. It may actually be becoming part of the problem through inaction and lack of cooperation with other agencies. If by the

Medical Board of California is slowly failing on stem cell clinic problem Read More »

What are stem cells in Arabic: ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟


This post in Arabic on “خلايا جذعية”  entitled”ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟” has been updated in 2020, and is part of our SCOPE stem cells not lost in translation project. You can learn more about the educational outreach project and read the other 33 languages there at that link. ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟ يتكون جسم الإنسان من العديد

What are stem cells in Arabic: ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟ Read More »

“Not lost in translation” stem cell outreach project caps 2 million reads


Many years ago I started a “not lost in translation” outreach project here on The Niche called SCOPE, meaning Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education. I thought it’d be useful for people all around the world who didn’t necessarily speak English to be able to get authoritative, factual data on stem cells. That was about

“Not lost in translation” stem cell outreach project caps 2 million reads Read More »

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD?


People ask me questions about stem cells all the time so I decide to do a new blog series answering your questions. Today’s post is  the first in this new stem cell Q&A series. Past series have included my Elephant in the Lab series that provides some insights into the craziness that sometimes goes on

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD? Read More »

Computer cookies gone wild, your privacy, & an ‘off’ experiment


When I think of cookies, I first think of chocolate chip, peanut butter, or macaroons, but an arguably more important kind these days is the type of thing that websites implant on your computer sometimes to monitor your web activities. Not delicious. I did a little experiment inspired by the New York Times Privacy Project.

Computer cookies gone wild, your privacy, & an ‘off’ experiment Read More »

Unnatural Selection review: captivating mind-bender but needed more science


Today’s post is a review of Unnatural Selection, the new Netflix science docuseries focused on CRISPR and other disruptive genetic and reproductive technologies. The show is an interesting mix of personalities and stories from patients, scientists, biohackers, and more. One patient thread is the story of a wonderful little boy named Jackson Kennedy. He wants

Unnatural Selection review: captivating mind-bender but needed more science Read More »

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