stem cells

Is Moriguchi a tip of an iceberg for ethical problems in science? How many Moriguchi Jr’s are out there?

The big scandal about alleged, later mostly recanted transplants of iPS cells (for more on iPS cells see here) into human patients centered on one fellow named Hisashi Moriguchi. For more on the case see here. Clearly Moriguchi is to blame for his lies. The paper Yomiuri is also to blame for splashing the unverified […]

Is Moriguchi a tip of an iceberg for ethical problems in science? How many Moriguchi Jr’s are out there? Read More »

Text mining Cell Stem Cell: surprising insights into the journal

Cell Stem Cell was the winner of my 2011 best stem cell journal award (see 2011 awards here, 2012 awards will be announced in early January). As I’ve “complained” in the past, the only thing I wish would be different is they’d publish even more articles per issue or per month! But what exactly does Cell

Text mining Cell Stem Cell: surprising insights into the journal Read More »

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy

The odds of Mitt Romney becoming our next President seem to be increasing. If Romney becomes our next president, what will he do about stem cells? He’ll be an active enemy of embryonic stem cell research. He’ll support the crazy personhood movement. Why do I say that? Earlier this year I had a run in

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy Read More »

Digital prediction: the end of print science journals

I predict by 2015 most major journals will have ended their hardcopy print versions and will be entirely digital. It just makes good sense from so many perspectives including financially and from an environmental view. This is a radical change from just a few decades ago. During my youngest childhood years, there were no personal

Digital prediction: the end of print science journals Read More »

A tribute to Nobel Laureate E. Donnall Thomas, a true stem cell pioneer

I was fortunate enough to do my postdoctoral studies at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (aka “The Hutch”) in Seattle. I was a postdoc for more years than I’d like to admit, but it was a wonderful experience. The Hutch is the kind of place where you can imagine making the impossible become possible

A tribute to Nobel Laureate E. Donnall Thomas, a true stem cell pioneer Read More »

New paper on iPS cell metabolomics: striking, yet incomplete metabolic reprogramming

I love collaborative science. I believe it advances science faster. An example? My lab recently collaborated with another lab here at UC Davis of Dr. Oliver Fiehn, a metabolomics guru. Our paper on this just came out in PLOS ONE here. Admittedly, we got scooped by another lab that published the first ever metabolomics paper

New paper on iPS cell metabolomics: striking, yet incomplete metabolic reprogramming Read More »

Massachusetts General Hospital official statement on Moriguchi patent app

I emailed Dr. Raymond Chung about the patent application that was filed with him and Hisashi Moriguchi as inventors and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) as the assignee (owner). I have already heard from Harvard about the patent, but I also heard today from MGH Public Affairs Officer Sue McGreevey in response to my inquiry to

Massachusetts General Hospital official statement on Moriguchi patent app Read More »

Celltex response to FDA says transplants stopped: what are the other key points?

The Houston Chronicle has posted the response letter from Celltex to the FDA in regard to the FDA Warning Letter issued to Celltex. The Chronicle also has a piece up on the warning letter that is a great read here. My thoughts on the possible paths for Celltex moving forward can be found here. The

Celltex response to FDA says transplants stopped: what are the other key points? Read More »

Harvard spokesman: MGH withdrawing puzzling Moriguchi 2010 iPS cell patent application

Hisashi Moriguchi. He is arguably at the center of one of the biggest science scandals of 2012. This is the guy who lied about doing iPS cell transplants into human patients. He also lied about being affiliated with Harvard & its primary teaching hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), for many years after he left there. He

Harvard spokesman: MGH withdrawing puzzling Moriguchi 2010 iPS cell patent application Read More »

iPS cell transplant fraud Moriguchi fired by University of Tokyo

Hisashi Moriguchi, the fellow who made up the story of having transplanted iPS cells into human patients and then later admitted that he had lied, has been fired by the University of Tokyo according to a statement (here in Japanese) from the university. An admittedly fairly weak translation to English by Google is the following:

iPS cell transplant fraud Moriguchi fired by University of Tokyo Read More »

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