Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Countering that Pro-Heritable Human CRISPR WSJ Piece


It’s germline, heritable human CRISPR time, right? Wrong. But the particularly enthusiastic supporters of heritable human CRISPR often cite hypothetical benefits in glowing terms, but either don’t mention risks or strongly downplay them. These fans also tend to leave alternative, proven and safe technologies such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) out of the discussion or […]

Countering that Pro-Heritable Human CRISPR WSJ Piece Read More »

1st Knockout Human Embryos Made with CRISPR: My Take on the Pub


Scientist make knockout human embryos with CRISPR? Today we see a new Nature paper (Fogarty, et al.) on CRISPR “gene editing” of human embryos, this time from the UK from Kathy Niakan’s group. Niakan got UK permission about 18 months ago to CRISPR healthy human embryos so they’ve been hard at work since. Because Fredrik

1st Knockout Human Embryos Made with CRISPR: My Take on the Pub Read More »

Young blood as anti-aging fountain of youth: hype or hope?


There’s an idea floating around out there called “young blood” to use donations from young folks to infuse older people to reverse aging. I’m skeptical. Imagine an old man and a teenager sitting side by side, with blood flowing from the kid to the oldster in a stab at anti-aging. Sort of like a one-way

Young blood as anti-aging fountain of youth: hype or hope? Read More »

Reading the tea leaves as new FDA commish Gottlieb blogs on regenerative medicine


New FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, M.D., has in the past touched on stem cells and regenerative medicine therapies in speeches or written comments prior to starting his tenure at the agency. Now that he is Commissioner, he is poised to have direct impact on our field rather quickly and potentially with major changes in

Reading the tea leaves as new FDA commish Gottlieb blogs on regenerative medicine Read More »

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help


Hans Keirstead is one of the top stem cell scientists in the world who has been doing cutting edge research including on using stem cells to reverse paralysis where he teamed up with super patient advocate Roman Reed (see the two pictured at right), but now he is also running for Congress. How cool is that?

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help Read More »

Highlights of ISSCR2017 – A Biomedical Engineer’s Perspective


ISSCR meeting review By Agnes Soos Amid the hustle and bustle of downtown Boston, nearly four thousand researchers and exhibitors gathered for the 15th Annual ISSCR Meeting. With presentations from over thirty plenary lectures, and dozens of others featured in concurrent sessions and the daily Innovation Showcases, there definitely was no shortage of exciting research

Highlights of ISSCR2017 – A Biomedical Engineer’s Perspective Read More »

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper


A new, brief study in mice from the Vinit Mahajan lab argues CRISPR can have very large numbers of off-target sites. Their paper is entitled “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo” and was published in Nature Methods.This work has garnered a lot of attention in the media. Let’s take a journal club review kind of approach

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper Read More »

President Mills Leaving, CIRM Needs New Leader to Navigate Future Challenges


CIRM announced today that its President and CEO, Randy Mills, is soon leaving for a new job as President of the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match in Minnesota. Update: Dr. Maria Millan, the CIRM Vice President of Therapeutics, will be its leader starting July 1 until a new leader is chosen. For this kind of

President Mills Leaving, CIRM Needs New Leader to Navigate Future Challenges Read More »