Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent


Some months back a USPTO court issued a ruling that most interpreted as meaning the Broad Institute had won the so-called ‘CRISPR patent battle’ in the U.S. and that UC Berkeley, Jennifer Doudna, and Emmanuelle Charpentier had lost. Now this week Berkeley has appealed that ruling. It seems the odds are against Berkeley prevailing in its appeal, but frankly […]

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent Read More »

Synthetic embryo or embryo model tech reported in Science: how big is this?


Can you make a synthetic embryo, also called an embryo model? Developmental biologist Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz has long been on the trail of this seemingly almost uncatchable quarry. With her team’s publication in Science today they took a big step forward on this path even if some major hurdles remain. You can see her discussion of

Synthetic embryo or embryo model tech reported in Science: how big is this? Read More »

Live blogging Future of Genome Medicine: great talks by Feng Zhang & others


What is the future of Genome Medicine? The meeting by that same name that I’m at down here in La Jolla is all about tackling this question and the line up of speakers today on the first day is amazing. I’m speaking about IPS cells as a basis for personalized medicine tomorrow morning so that’s exciting.

Live blogging Future of Genome Medicine: great talks by Feng Zhang & others Read More »

Perspectives on pig human chimera paper


A new paper focused on human and other chimeras just came out today in Cell reporting a number of findings, but most strikingly successful generation of human-pig chimeras in utero. The paper, entitled, “Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells” describes various chimeras including mouse-rat ones, although those have previously been reported. This work comes

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Quick journal club on IPSC anti-aging paper: cool, but outstanding questions


A new Cell paper from Juan Carlos Izpisua Berlmonte’s group has made headlines about anti-aging across the globe because it suggests that the four core induced pluripotent stem cell (IPSC) factors use by Shinya Yamanaka to make IPSC can reverse aging. I’ve pasted the graphical abstract from the paper below and done a quick journal club style

Quick journal club on IPSC anti-aging paper: cool, but outstanding questions Read More »

Chat with Michael Werner of ARM on Cures Act regenerative medicine provisions


One of the hottest topics in the world of stem cells this year has been the REGROW ACT and at a larger level the movement for changes in FDA oversight of investigational regenerative medicine therapies (see my past posts on it here), so the related provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act are stirring much

Chat with Michael Werner of ARM on Cures Act regenerative medicine provisions Read More »