Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Risks for Healthy PBSC Donors? One Family’s Powerful Experience

stem cell donor, where do stem cells come from?

By Jane Langille A few weeks ago, I wrote to Dr. Paul Knoepfler after reading his book Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide because I was intrigued by his stem cell theory of aging. I wondered if his theory might mean that someone who mobilized and donated hematopoietic cells might be shortening their own lifetime supply. After […]

Risks for Healthy PBSC Donors? One Family’s Powerful Experience Read More »

Weekend Reads: Cool Papers, PubPeer, Jacob Hanna, & More


Here are some papers and news for weekend reads. What are you reading this weekend? What are your go-to stem cell journals? Hostile Takeover: Glioma Stem Cells Recruit TAMs to Support Tumor Progression by Yu Shi, Yi-fang Ping, Xia Zhang, Xiu-wu Bian in Cell Stem Cell. YAP1 Regulates OCT4 Activity and SOX2 Expression to Facilitate self-renewal and

Weekend Reads: Cool Papers, PubPeer, Jacob Hanna, & More Read More »

Are babies from same-sex couples possible?


A question that has come up with advances in stem cell technology: could same-sex couples have their own biological children? Since Shinya Yamanaka reprogrammed first mouse and then human ordinary cells into powerful pluripotent stem cells, termed induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, back in 2006-2007 many new research avenues have opened up. The impossible suddenly

Are babies from same-sex couples possible? Read More »

Supreme Court Rejection of WARF hESC Patent Challenge Discussion


The challenge to the WARF/Jamie Thomson patents/IP on human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is at an end. The US Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Earlier, the USPTO had turned down the challenge leading to a winding road in the courts. What do you all think of this stem cell IP challenge and the

Supreme Court Rejection of WARF hESC Patent Challenge Discussion Read More »

Haruko Obokata 小保方 晴子-like Game Character Conducts ‘Dangerous Research’


I’ve seen many crazy things over the years doing this blog including exploits of Haruko Obokata . There was the Moriguchi IPS cell fraud, the electric stem cell bra, the stem cell supermodel case, the stem cell soup No. 7 aphrodisiac, the STAP cell scandal….and the craziness goes on. Today there’s a new one that even

Haruko Obokata 小保方 晴子-like Game Character Conducts ‘Dangerous Research’ Read More »

Lessons from New IPS Cell Study Showing Tumors


A cool new paper is out in Stem Cell Reports describing long-term tumorigenicity of human induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSC or IPS cells). See graphical abstract. The potential tumorigenicity of IPSC is a major concern when teams around the world are translating IPSC technology to the bedside. Past studies including one from my own lab have

Lessons from New IPS Cell Study Showing Tumors Read More »

Personal Reflections on STAP Cell Mess On 1-Year Anniversary


It seems hard to believe it was a year ago that the STAP cell Nature papers came out to much fanfare on January 29, 2014. These now discredited and retracted papers reported a supposed new method to easily make reprogrammed powerful stem cells, a finding touted as a Nobel Prize-worthy discovery. Now a year later on

Personal Reflections on STAP Cell Mess On 1-Year Anniversary Read More »