Search Results for: stap

The ‘Holy Crap’ Effect: Reflecting on Big Splash Papers


I spend some hours each week reading and thinking about the recent scientific literature and I’m sure many of you do the same thing, but do we gravitate towards hyped “holy crap” papers? Every so often, a new paper erupts on the scene. It makes a big splash with a flashy entrance that captures people’s […]

The ‘Holy Crap’ Effect: Reflecting on Big Splash Papers Read More »


I’ve been fortunate to interview some of the greats in the stem cell field for this blog and host debates between key players. Please note that just because I have interviewed folks does not mean I agree with them or that they agree with me. The point is to establish dialogue on key issues. As

Interviews Read More »

iPS cells are similar to cancer cells: part 1 of discussion of new paper

My lab just published a somewhat provocative paper (still in unproofed form at this point) arguing that iPS cells are very similar in some ways to cancer cells. How did we get to that conclusion (discussed in this post today, part 1 of the story) and what’s the back story on this paper (discussed in a later

iPS cells are similar to cancer cells: part 1 of discussion of new paper Read More »

Co to są komórki macierzyste?

Co to są komórki macierzyste? Ciało człowieka jest zbudowane z tysiąca różnych typów komórek, które są bardzo ważne dla naszego zdrowia.  Komórki te są odpowiedzialne za wiele różnych codziennych czynnosci, jak bicie serca, prace mózgu, oczyszczenie krwii przez nerki, wymianę komórek skóry w trakcie złuszczania i tak dalej. Unikalnym zadaniem, komórek macierzystych jest tworzenie rożnych

Co to są komórki macierzyste? Read More »