Search Results for: book

Favorable review in Cell of my new book on CRISPR in humans, GMO Sapiens


My new book GMO Sapiens is the first such work written for both a lay audience and scientists to cover the potential use of CRISPR in humans for genetic modification The journal Cell has just published a review by George Annas on GMO Sapiens. For the most part he seems to have liked it. If […]

Favorable review in Cell of my new book on CRISPR in humans, GMO Sapiens Read More »

Reviews of my new book GMO Sapiens on #CRISPR & human modification


It’s exciting that the reviews are starting to come in on my new book, GMO Sapiens, on human genetic modification including CRISPR. Here is one from The Scientist and the book was recommended by Scientific American. Reviews from individual authors and scientists are below. “GMO Sapiens could not be more timely. New technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 gene

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Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) book is a #1 best seller


Haruko Obokata wrote a book about the STAP cell scandal telling it from her perspective. Fom all accounts I’ve seen, she has sought in her writings to shift the blame away from herself. She even claimed she was framed by other scientists. To say I’m skeptical would be an understatement. Will this book have any

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) book is a #1 best seller Read More »

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more


Haruko Obokata reportedtly has written a book that is somewhat of a memoir of her life including the STAP cell scandal. The exact nature of the book remains mostly a mystery at this point. It should be out on the 2nd anniversary of the STAP cell papers being published. Kyodo News gives some more details

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more Read More »

Join discussion of my new book GMO Sapiens on Talking Biopolitics tomorrow


I’ll be on Talking Biopolitics live tomorrow to discuss my new book, GMO Sapiens. You can RSVP at that link. You can get the Kindle version of the book here or the soft or cover versions at the publisher site here. Nathaniel Comfort will be interviewing me on the book and we’ll also be taking

Join discussion of my new book GMO Sapiens on Talking Biopolitics tomorrow Read More »

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification


I’ve written a new book on human genetic modification. This is my second book as the first one was Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, which is currently the top stem cell book on Amazon. The new book is called GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies.  You can pre-order it here at Amazon or over here at my publisher’s

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification Read More »

Review of Stem Cell Battles, Don Reed’s Wonderful New Book


Long-time stem cell advocate, Don Reed, has written a great new book called Stem Cell Battles: Proposition 71 and Beyond. The subtitle is “How Ordinary People Can Fight the Crushing Burden of Chronic Disease — with a Posthumous Foreword by Christopher Reeve.” Don’s book is a wonderful window into the behind-the-scenes herculean efforts that went

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