Search Results for: ips cells

Doomed Vatican stem cell meeting still haunting them

What is a Vatican stem cell meeting? The Catholic Church, particularly the Vatican, has a bit of a split personality when it comes to stem cells and other “controversial issues” such as assisted reproduction and contraception. Officially, they oppose these things, but behind the scenes most everyday ordinary Catholics support them. This divide has become […]

Doomed Vatican stem cell meeting still haunting them Read More »

Stem cell grapevine: FBI readying to take more action against dubious clinics & docs

A rumor is now going around that some dubious stem cell docs and clinics are likely to get visits from the FBI soon! The FDA, which has just recently issued a couple warning letters (here and here), potentially together with the FBI, may be poised to take more decisive action in the near future in the next

Stem cell grapevine: FBI readying to take more action against dubious clinics & docs Read More »

Media is a hot mess over stem cell cosmetics & sports medicine

The Mainstream Media has cranked up its hyping of stem cell cosmetics and sports medicine just in the last week or so. It’s really disturbing. The message is unmistakable: stem cell-based sports medicine and cosmetics are cutting edge new medicines that because they work for the stars will also work for ordinary people too.  ….Or

Media is a hot mess over stem cell cosmetics & sports medicine Read More »

Have we crossed the tipping point to stem cell disaster?


Earlier this year, Dr “LookGood” aka Dr. Steven Victor, cosmetic surgeon to the stars, received a warning letter from the FDA over how his clinic was handling stem cell-related procedures. The FDA listed 16 issues as problems. On April 20, Dr. Thomas E. Young of Young Medical Spa in Pennsylvania also received an FDA warning

Have we crossed the tipping point to stem cell disaster? Read More »

Will the real Don Margolis please stand up: ties to Grekos who is charged in stem cell fatalities


Dr. Zannos Grekos has administered so-called stem cell-based treatments to patients, at least two of whom have died following treatment in the last couple years. It is an understatement to say that Grekos is in serious hot water with various authorities at the state and federal levels. In the case of a 77-year old man

Will the real Don Margolis please stand up: ties to Grekos who is charged in stem cell fatalities Read More »