Search Results for: ES cell


Podcast for Week of July 5 Topics –Stem Cell Tourism in the U.S. –CIRM –Article in the Hill by stem cell opponent –Stem cell hype on aging   Podcast for Week of July 11 Topics: –two papers on stem cell-based tissue engineering and one on stem cell treatments for heart disease, –the Republican candidates for

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ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA?

What is ISSCR doing about unproven stem cell clinics? One of the greatest and most infuriating ironies of the stem cell-based regenerative medicine universe is that while the FDA strictly regulates the progress of therapy development by Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron and other legitimate companies, at the same time mysteriously the FDA essentially

ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA? Read More »

Cloning Justin Beiber or Einstein or you? Who’s first?

Is Cloning Justin Beiber a good idea? Einstein first? Or maybe you? Human cloning is coming. Maybe not to a Walmart near you, but it is coming. And by human cloning, I mean reproductive cloning, not therapeutic cloning which is a totally different cup of tea. The cloning I’m talking about is where you duplicate

Cloning Justin Beiber or Einstein or you? Who’s first? Read More »

Что такое стволовые клетки?


Что такое стволовые клетки? Note that this is one of our “Stem Cells Not Lost in Translation” series. You can see the full series of our stem cell white paper in 34 languages here. Человеческое тело содержит сотни различных типов клеток, которые важны для нашего здоровья. Эти клетки отвечают за ежедневную поддержку наших жизненных функций,

Что такое стволовые клетки? Read More »

سلولهای بنیادی چه هستند؟


Note that this is one of our “Stem Cells Not Lost in Translation” series. You can see the full series of our stem cell white paper in 34 languages here. مترجم : یاسمن نیکنام سلولهای بنیادی چه هستند؟ بدن انسان دارای صدها نوع مختلف سلول است که برای سلامت روزانه ما مهم هستند. این سلولها

سلولهای بنیادی چه هستند؟ Read More »

Make a tax deductible gift to UC Davis Med School

If you want to make a difference, potentially in the lives of millions of people, make a tax deductible donation to stem cell research ongoing at UC Davis School of Medicine. (and choose stem cell program from the dropdown menu) or contact Dr. Knoepfler at

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