Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Who IS this!? Surprising phone survey of stem cell clinics on their COVID-19 pandemic status


It’s not every day that I call a bunch of stem cell clinics to say “hi”, but yesterday I called some of them during a needed lunch break from grant writing to see what they were doing about their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impetus for this survey of a sort was a question […]

Who IS this!? Surprising phone survey of stem cell clinics on their COVID-19 pandemic status Read More »

Deconstructing Rudy Giuliani ‘stem cells for COVID-19’ podcast & NK cell transplant idea


Rudy Giuliani has been tweeting all kinds of wild things about the novel coronavirus and is apparently very excited about the idea of “stem cells” for COVID-19 patients. What could go wrong, right? Giuliani starts vaguely tweeting about “stem cells” I wrote a few days ago about how Giuliani had been plugging an upcoming podcast

Deconstructing Rudy Giuliani ‘stem cells for COVID-19’ podcast & NK cell transplant idea Read More »

Rudy Giuliani now plugging unproven stem cells for COVID19: is Trump next?


Things are getting worse with the COVID19 pandemic and in parallel there is increasing hype including from clinics that somehow stem cells or similar products could help with the latest (and most worrisome) development being a bombshell tweet from Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The former mayor of New York and Trump frontman just tweeted this

Rudy Giuliani now plugging unproven stem cells for COVID19: is Trump next? Read More »

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype


Despite the COVID-19 pandemic there are still some research things we can do including data analysis as well as reading new papers and media articles on science, including regenerative medicine. If the weather’s good and you have wi-fi (or you print articles still on paper) you can even do this out in the fresh air

Recommended regenerative medicine reads plus COVID-19 stem cell hype Read More »

Patient Q&A#2: Are autoimmune or stem cell transplant patients at higher risk from COVID-19?


I’m continuing my stem cell patient Q&A series and today’s Q&A#2 post is focused on whether autoimmune patients generally or specifically those who have received chemo and hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT) are at higher risk from COVID-19? Multiple patients have asked me this. It’s a great question and obviously urgent right now during the

Patient Q&A#2: Are autoimmune or stem cell transplant patients at higher risk from COVID-19? Read More »

Athersys & Mesoblast stem cells for COVID-19?


Could two stem cell biotechs Athersys and Mesoblast help in the battle against the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19? Stem cells, ARDS, and COVID-19 I’ve already written two pieces about the idea of using stem cells to battle COVID-19 (here and here), the sometimes fatal disease that arises from infection with the novel coronavirus. Older patients

Athersys & Mesoblast stem cells for COVID-19? Read More »

Weekly recommended science reads: stem cells, CRISPR, cancer & more


There’s never enough time to get all of one’s science reading done, but we can try! It helps to have a list of “to-read” articles, whether actual research articles or media pieces. In the old days, I remember my mentors saying they literally had “piles” of journal articles on their coffee tables, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc.

Weekly recommended science reads: stem cells, CRISPR, cancer & more Read More »

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak


Could stem cells help patients with the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19? It’s hard to say at this point. Is it worth doing trials during the outbreak to find out? Three new clinical studies have popped up on investigating the potential of stem cells to help patients infected with the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV. Update, the

COVID-19 stem cell trials pile up during novel coronavirus outbreak Read More »

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD?


People ask me questions about stem cells all the time so I decide to do a new blog series answering your questions. Today’s post is  the first in this new stem cell Q&A series. Past series have included my Elephant in the Lab series that provides some insights into the craziness that sometimes goes on

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD? Read More »