Search Results for: stem cell biotech

Regenerative reads: brain organoids, change

brain organoids sm

Sometimes change takes a very long time, but with brain organoids or advocating for better information for patients at, after waiting you can see some interesting developments.  These are two of the regenerative medicine stories of the week, along with some striking research papers. Some of us have been advocating for improvements at […]

Regenerative reads: brain organoids, change Read More »

Dissecting that Neanderthal brain organoids Science pub

neanderthal human brain organoids

Organoids and especially brain organoids, which are made from pluripotent stem cells, are one of the most interesting developmental biology technologies of the last half a dozen or so years. Still some folks can’t help but get carried away when thinking about brain organoids it seems. A new Science paper from a team led by

Dissecting that Neanderthal brain organoids Science pub Read More »

Prop 14 California: Big Expectations for CIRM 3.0

cirm prop 14 california millan allday knoepfler

Approval of Prop 14 California last month to renew CIRM was one of the biggest state election developments of 2020. Yet it didn’t get much news coverage somehow. The exception is David Jensen over at California Stem Cell Report, who has been a great source of information about the various news surrounding Prop 14 and

Prop 14 California: Big Expectations for CIRM 3.0 Read More »

Weekly reads on organoids, COVID, CRISPR, cold chromatin, more


As a researcher, is there ever enough time to get to everything that you want to read especially in newer areas like stem cells, organoids, and CRISPR, without even including non-scientific reads like Shakespeare or a new novel or something like that? Hopefully, putting together lists of recommended reads like today’s post is helpful. I

Weekly reads on organoids, COVID, CRISPR, cold chromatin, more Read More »

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval?


Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is counterintuitive In the weeks and months following a transplant, a major concern is the recipient’s immune system rejecting the “foreign” biological material. But in GVHD, the opposite happens: transplanted tissue unleashes a horde of T cells that spark a cascade of inflammation, within 100 days. Typically, GVHD follows a bone marrow

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval? Read More »

Striking FDA Hahn & Marks JAMA pub on regenerative clinics


It was fascinating to read a new JAMA piece by the FDA on unproven stem cell clinics and other regenerative medicine firms. Many of these guys are profiteering off of buzz about exciting, but mostly unproven technologies. While the JAMA opinion piece reiterates the agency’s commitment to evidence-based regenerative medicine, it also makes some other

Striking FDA Hahn & Marks JAMA pub on regenerative clinics Read More »

Regenerative medicine recommended reads including $191 million to researcher


It’s notable how the FDA now considers gene-editing a kind of regenerative medicine. This means that various gene therapy products in development technically qualify as regenerative therapies. Ever since the agency began its rapidly growing regenerative medicine advanced therapy (RMAT) designation program, we’ve seen an increasing number of gene therapy biotechs and products qualify as

Regenerative medicine recommended reads including $191 million to researcher Read More »

More Liveyon links to exosome Awakening film include potential relative


A new film-commercial entitled Awakening pitches unproven exosomes and has already been possibly tied to the troubled stem cell supplier firm Liveyon, but now it seems that the links go far deeper including a possible relative of Liveyon leader John Kosolcharoen. Even so, Kosolcharoen (pictured with another Liveyon leader Alan Gaveck below in a web

More Liveyon links to exosome Awakening film include potential relative Read More »

Heads up on Hui Yang, another potential aspiring CRISPR baby researcher


Making a CRISPR baby is a controversial idea to even propose now for many reasons, yet even after He Jiankui’s train wreck some people have seemed eager to try it including apparently a scientist whose name perhaps many readers here are not so familiar with in this context: Professor Hui Yang. ‘CRISPR baby guys’ Is

Heads up on Hui Yang, another potential aspiring CRISPR baby researcher Read More »