Search Results for: australia

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award


I received a score of great nominations for the Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award and have briefly described the twenty nominees below. The point of the award is to honor the top positive stem cell leader who specifically thinks outside the box and takes risks. I’ve started an on-line vote where you can vote once per day for […]

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award Read More »

Samantha Yammine: Multiple filters for stem cell research at Canadian stem cell conference


By Samantha Yammine, PhD Candidate in Derek van der Kooy’s lab at the University of Toronto. See tweets live from #TMM2016 via @SamanthaZY here. Last week, 430 Canadian scientists, trainees, industry professionals, science communicators and international guests gathered in the picturesque ski town of Whistler, British Columbia for the annual Till & McCulloch meeting (TMM).

Samantha Yammine: Multiple filters for stem cell research at Canadian stem cell conference Read More »

Important Rasko team paper on global distribution of stem cell clinics


Last week a team led by John Rasko of the University of Sydney published a very important stem cell clinic study also in Cell Stem Cell. Thus, there have now been two new reports on the state of the stem cell clinic industry both here in the U.S. and more globally. Leigh Turner and I published

Important Rasko team paper on global distribution of stem cell clinics Read More »

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR


By Gaetan Burgio CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has dramatically changed our way to perform biological experiments. While highly efficient and easy to use, one limitation with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing technology is the occurrence of off-target effects and the restriction of the PAM recognition sequence. Many modifications from the original system have been proposed to improve

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR Read More »

Woman’s death after “no big deal” fat stem cell therapy: coroner investigating


An elderly woman in Australia reportedly died shortly after receiving a fat stem cell transplant. Sheila Drysdale passed away hours after getting an adipose stem cell treatment a few days before Christmas in 2013. That death is now being investigated by the coroner there. Not only is this death in Sydney distressing in it of

Woman’s death after “no big deal” fat stem cell therapy: coroner investigating Read More »

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie


By Heather Main I moved to the San Diego from Australia in August 2015, and Paul asked me if I could write something on my first impressions of doing science in the US, as opposed to other countries I have worked/studied in (Australia, Scotland, Sweden and Singapore). If you look at the land size of

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie Read More »

CRISPR off-target effects important, but not severe challenge, says poll


In a poll on CRISPR, respondents so far have predominantly viewed potential off-target effects as a moderate (28%) to substantial (25%) problem. The poll is still running if you are interested in participating. As to the more polar answers, only 20% and 4% answered “minor” or “a non-issue”, respectively, while 14% thought that off-target effects

CRISPR off-target effects important, but not severe challenge, says poll Read More »