Search Results for: stem cells clinics

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide


What are Conflict of Interests (COI)? The term COI is sometimes used inappropriately as a weapon by one party to attempt to discredit others. We see this more and more frequently in the stem cell field with boosters of for-profit, non-FDA vetted adult stem cell clinics attacking scientists for supposed COIs for what…..apparently for simply […]

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide Read More »

NASA’s wickedly up & down week: broader lessons about science & medicine

All science, whether biology or physics, whether microscopic or at the solar system level, is about experiments. Sometimes we as a society forget that. In fact, experiments are at the heart of investigations as diverse as studying cells to exploring space to medical treatments. For NASA, the last week has been a tale of two

NASA’s wickedly up & down week: broader lessons about science & medicine Read More »

Dr Lookgood, dermatologist to the stars, gets FDA warning letter


If you ever had a really bad day, March 13, 2012 might have been just such a bad day for one Dr. Steven Victor, aka “Dr LookGood”, because he received an official warning letter from the FDA. Why? Dr. Victor, who reportedly greets each patient with the catch phrase “You look so much more beautiful than your picture”, is

Dr Lookgood, dermatologist to the stars, gets FDA warning letter Read More »

Shocker: FDA views treatment with ethylene oxide, a highly toxic carcinogen, & irradiation as minimal manipulation

What does the FDA define as “minimally manipulated” when it comes to biologics such as stem cells? You will be shocked to find out, but they include irradiation and treatment with the super toxin/carcinogen, ethylene oxide. In a recent post I discussed the issue of an apparent “minimal manipulation” exception (some might even call it a

Shocker: FDA views treatment with ethylene oxide, a highly toxic carcinogen, & irradiation as minimal manipulation Read More »

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California

Remember those folks who were pushing an amendment in Mississippi that would have defined the one cell fertilized egg as a full blown person with all the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking Mississippian? Now the new battlefront for their movement is California. They want to get an initiative on the ballot to make

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California Read More »