Search Results for: fda

Celltex versus University of Minnesota: support for Elliott and Turner

Recently, there has been a brewing controversy surrounding a journal called American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), a company called CellTex, a bioethicist named Dr. Glenn McGee who founded and used to run AJOB until he recently resigned, and two University of Minnesota professors, Drs. Carl Elliott and Leigh Turner who have been publicly critical of […]

Celltex versus University of Minnesota: support for Elliott and Turner Read More »

From boobs to baldness 2.0: Cosmetic stem cell clinics proliferate


A month ago I did a very widely read piece on cosmetic applications of stem cell technologies in the U.S. called “from boobs to baldness”. Many cosmetics websites asked for permission to run the piece and it was re-run in a number of languages around the world as well. It is clear there is big

From boobs to baldness 2.0: Cosmetic stem cell clinics proliferate Read More »

Celltex, RNL and phony worst case stem cell scenario comment

A recent article in Nature News about a stem cell transplant company called Celltex got me thinking again about safety. The safety of stem cell-based therapies is kind of an obsession of mine. A question comes to mind. Are people realistic about what stem cells can do for them and the risks involved? The answer

Celltex, RNL and phony worst case stem cell scenario comment Read More »

From boobs to baldness: stem cell cosmetics

What are stem cell cosmetics? The use of stem cells for cosmetics and cosmetic procedures is exploding even while many important questions remain. How legitimate are these stem cell cosmetic products and procedures? Are they safe and effective? What kinds of medical conditions are they being used to treat? I also recently did a post

From boobs to baldness: stem cell cosmetics Read More »

Why I finally bought stock in Advanced Cell Technology


Today after years of following the company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), I finally bought stock (ACTC) in it. Why? As a stem cell researcher myself working on human ES cells, iPS cells, and many other types of stem cells, I have been following ACT for years, but have never pulled the trigger to buy their stock….until

Why I finally bought stock in Advanced Cell Technology Read More »

Stem cell treatments, drugs, and the key facts you need to know

This post is focused on the important facts you need to know about stem cells as drugs and stem cell treatments. Many of the folks out there who want to earn a living to scamming vulnerable patients with so-called “stem cell treatments” have been upset that the U.S. FDA continues to view stem cell-based therapies

Stem cell treatments, drugs, and the key facts you need to know Read More »

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode

Last night 60 Minutes broadcasted ( you can watch the episode here) a long awaited 2nd segment in their continuing investigation of stem cell fraud. The first segment investigating phony doctors Stowe and Morales led to their ultimate pursuit by the FBI and indictment, aired in a couple years ago. The new episode on stem

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode Read More »