Search Results for: CIRM

Cool stem cell papers: antibody reprogramming, organoids, gravity, & more


The past few weeks have brought some exciting, thought-provoking stem cell papers and developments in the regenerative medicine field. Here’s a list of stem cell papers in the media that struck me as particularly cool along with some other developments in the field. Human Stem Cells Fight Parkinson’s Disease in Monkeys Organoids Reveal Clues to Gut-Brain

Cool stem cell papers: antibody reprogramming, organoids, gravity, & more Read More »

Shot to the heart: J&J punts on Capricor & its cardiac stem cell program


How is the stem cell and regenerative medicine biotech sector doing these days and does recent news about specific biotechs such as Capricor suggest issues for the sector more broadly? Capricor had bad news earlier this year related to its stem cells for heart disease program and things just took a turn for the worse

Shot to the heart: J&J punts on Capricor & its cardiac stem cell program Read More »

Movers & Shakers in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Field


Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine field researchers move around to different places fairly often. It is interesting to note trends and also see who received what kinds of awards and such. Below is a list of some recent movers and shakers. George Daley got the ISSCR Public Service Award (you can see other ISSCR Awards here).

Movers & Shakers in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Field Read More »

Stem cells Sunday brunch of good news, fun links, & cool papers


Enjoy! A Sunday brunch for the brain of science news, helpful links, and notable new papers including on stem cells. News and links CBER Director Focuses on Flexibility to Advance Regenerative Medicines Lab-Grown Blood Stem Cells Produced at Last Transplanted stem cells become eggs in sterile mice Maryland fund awards $8.5 million for stem cell research Positively good news from Asterias

Stem cells Sunday brunch of good news, fun links, & cool papers Read More »

Mutations in pluripotent stem cells: No, the sky is not falling


By Jeanne Loring “Mutation” and “cancer” are eye-catching words for a headline; add “stem cells” and there is a good chance that a lot of people will hear about it. These words have been liberally used in the press to describe the results of a recent publication: “Human pluripotent stem cells recurrently acquire and expand

Mutations in pluripotent stem cells: No, the sky is not falling Read More »

A TGIF weekend reading list of new stem cell pubs & headlines


In case you have some free time for reading this week, here’s a list containing an assortment of interesting research articles and stem cell headlines. I’ve thrown some oddballs in there too including one article from May 1983, when I was just finishing up junior high. No, I didn’t write it. And no the headline

A TGIF weekend reading list of new stem cell pubs & headlines Read More »