Search Results for: baldness

Weekly reads: stem cells vs. viruses, prostate cancer, apoptotic cell niche function, more

Morinaga et al Nature 2021 Stem cells and hair loss

The paper of the week is An isoform of Dicer protects mammalian stem cells against multiple RNA viruses published in Science. The take-home from the abstract is that the data, “demonstrate that mammalian stem cells can protect themselves from some RNA viruses by expressing an alternatively spliced isoform of the enzyme Dicer called aviD, which potentiates […]

Weekly reads: stem cells vs. viruses, prostate cancer, apoptotic cell niche function, more Read More »

Red flags on stem cells sold for vaginal rejuvenation

vaginal rejuvenation stem cells

What should we consider when seeing marketing for sexual enhancements like vaginal rejuvenation? Fact checking vaginal rejuvenation with stem cells When you read marketing terms like “stem cell treatment for sexual enhancement” or more specifically stem cells for “vaginal rejuvenation” what comes to mind? And are stem cell treatments a viable option for vaginal rejuvenation

Red flags on stem cells sold for vaginal rejuvenation Read More »

Weekly reads: Alzheimer’s, dinosaur brains, teratoma, vampire amoeba, new H3K27me3 reader


Anyone with a seemingly only semi-functional nervous system now post-election might be turning to science to help their brains bounce back. Here are some of the things I’ve been reading or hope to soon. In good news for the stem cell and regenerative medicine field, especially here in California, it looks like us California voters

Weekly reads: Alzheimer’s, dinosaur brains, teratoma, vampire amoeba, new H3K27me3 reader Read More »

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs


When you sit down to read science on the weekends lately, assuming you are not primarily a COVID-19 researcher, how much COVID stuff seeps into your reading? As I was going over some of this year’s recommended weekly reads posts here on The Niche, I’ve realized that an increasing amount of COVID-19 research has joined

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs Read More »

Weekly reads: FDA news, goosebump stem cells, MSCs, autophagy


Ready for the latest recommended weekly reads in the world of stem cells and the regenerative medicine space including a bunch of important new FDA posts & changes? This post has quite a lot on the FDA since it had a very big week with several new items of major importance to the cellular and regenerative

Weekly reads: FDA news, goosebump stem cells, MSCs, autophagy Read More »

My B grade to Google on early test of its stem cell clinic ad ban

Google ads policy, stem cell therapies

As of October 1, Google was supposed to have banned ads for unproven stem cell clinics and products. This was according to their own new policy. How’s that going? How’s this new Google approach to unproven stem cell marketing working out in the real wild world of the web? To test it, I did over

My B grade to Google on early test of its stem cell clinic ad ban Read More »

New stem cell pubs including artificial human embryo work


In this post I list some recent interesting stem cell and science pubs including artificial human embryo research. Engineered human embryo research continues. Scientists for years have been advancing the types of embryo-like structures made from both human and other creature’s cells. In a new Nature Cell Bio pub entitled, “A 3D model of a

New stem cell pubs including artificial human embryo work Read More »

As exosome work advances, clinics pitch unproven therapies to patients


Time to sell exosome therapies to patients? No. Some stem cell clinics and related firms are looking for new ways to make profits and toward that goal a few have latched onto the legitimate buzz around exosome research. What are exosomes? Imagine if you could bubble up a pea-sized sphere off your skin full of

As exosome work advances, clinics pitch unproven therapies to patients Read More »

TGIF stem cell weekend reads of papers & news


Bulls-eye! Here are some stem cell weekend reads including both interesting new papers & news headlines. Of course, this week also had stem cell awareness day and I wrote about 10 key issues for the field for the coming 10 years! Weekend reads Papers Chromatin and Single-Cell RNA-Seq Profiling Reveal Dynamic Signaling and Metabolic Transitions during

TGIF stem cell weekend reads of papers & news Read More »