Search Results for: chiropractors

Chiropractors and their state boards should stop risky stem cell injections


There are gray areas within the larger stem cell sphere or as I called it in a recent paper “the stem cell ecosystem“, but chiropractors doing stem cell transplants is not one of them. This is unethical and risky on many levels, but the number of chiropractors selling stem cells is increasing rapidly nonetheless. Chiropractors […]

Chiropractors and their state boards should stop risky stem cell injections Read More »

Georgia AG & FTC win Superior Healthcare stem cell clinic case, seek $17 million

STEVEN D. PEYROUX, Georgia stem cell clinic

An unproven Georgia stem cell clinic called Superior Healthcare and other co-defendants recently lost a key court case. Some of you may remember that the Attorney General (AG) of Georgia Chris Carr and the FTC have been collaborating on this case. Now we have the good news that they have won the case via a

Georgia AG & FTC win Superior Healthcare stem cell clinic case, seek $17 million Read More »

Grading my 21 stem cell & regenerative medicine predictions for 2021


The world of stem cell research and regenerative medicine is unpredictable but it’s fun to be a part of it and try to do predictions. Each year in late December or early January I make prognostications for the coming year for stem cell research and regenerative medicine. I made 21 such predictions for the current

Grading my 21 stem cell & regenerative medicine predictions for 2021 Read More »

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions


In any given field of biomedical science like stem cell research and regenerative medicine, it’s very useful if you can accurately predict the future. It seems, though, that predictions are far more difficult within the more exciting and rapidly-changing fields. The field of stem cells and regenerative medicine fits that bill. Past stem cell research

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions Read More »

Arkansas adds to wave of state AG actions vs. stem cell clinics


It’s encouraging to see that the states including now Arkansas via their attorney generals (or is it attorneys general?) are taking more action against stem cell clinic firms, but the big scope of AG action has somewhat surprised me. Arkansas AG suit The latest AG action on a stem cell clinic type firm comes from

Arkansas adds to wave of state AG actions vs. stem cell clinics Read More »

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell


Stem cell clinics and suppliers have been getting into the business of making promotional films to generate more revenue, but now there’s something very different in the cinematic stem cell arena called From Jail Cell to Stem Cell by filmmaker Doug Orchard. It is at its heart an exposé film about some in my view particularly concerning stem

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell Read More »

FDA needs to act boldly on unproven exosome therapies


The FDA needs to do more about clinics and suppliers of unproven “exosome therapies.” Dubious exosomes are sadly just the newest gimmick for some firms in the stem cell/regenerative medicine clinic arena right now. They are available at many stem cell and other clinics right now, but who knows what’s in the syringe? Also, people

FDA needs to act boldly on unproven exosome therapies Read More »