Search Results for: crispr

In first for U.S., Mitalipov reportedly CRISPR’d human embryos & it was great


More CRISPR’d human embryos, but this time in America? MIT Tech Review is reporting that Oregon scientist Shoukhrat Mitalipov has used CRISPR on human embryos in his lab in the US. Apparently a paper is in the works on this. While details are sketchy and some specifics remain to be clarified to be sure of […]

In first for U.S., Mitalipov reportedly CRISPR’d human embryos & it was great Read More »

CRISPR, human genetic modification, & a needed course correction


Are designer babies made using CRISPR or other genetic modification technologies closer to reality today? If so, what exactly should we do about it? Researchers can use CRISPR to genetically modify just about any organism or its cells, but targeting humans is the subject of the most intense discussion including using CRISPR in the human germline

CRISPR, human genetic modification, & a needed course correction Read More »

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper


A new, brief study in mice from the Vinit Mahajan lab argues CRISPR can have very large numbers of off-target sites. Their paper is entitled “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo” and was published in Nature Methods.This work has garnered a lot of attention in the media. Let’s take a journal club review kind of approach

Journal club review of new CRISPR ‘lots of off-target activity’ mouse paper Read More »

Human embryo CRISPR pub includes plagiarism: the victim’s unique account


Cut, modify, paste… It’s kind of a CRISPR mantra for those of us using gene editing in the lab. But it’s supposed to be happening just on DNA, right? Now it appears that someone on a team of human embryo CRISPR researchers possibly got carried away with the cutting-modifying-pasting mindset to take it beyond DNA to also do

Human embryo CRISPR pub includes plagiarism: the victim’s unique account Read More »

Find $250 Easter egg in GMO Sapiens #CRISPR book: here’s a hint


Want $250 as well as at least a sliver of science-related glory? Within my book GMO Sapiens on CRISPR and human genetic modification, I’ve hidden a scientific Easter egg. There’s more Easter egg info over here including the rules. If you are the first one to find and properly explain this egg to me after buying the book, you win

Find $250 Easter egg in GMO Sapiens #CRISPR book: here’s a hint Read More »

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent


Some months back a USPTO court issued a ruling that most interpreted as meaning the Broad Institute had won the so-called ‘CRISPR patent battle’ in the U.S. and that UC Berkeley, Jennifer Doudna, and Emmanuelle Charpentier had lost. Now this week Berkeley has appealed that ruling. It seems the odds are against Berkeley prevailing in its appeal, but frankly

Why UC Berkeley deserves the main CRISPR patent Read More »

Q&A video with Paul Episode 2: stem cell & CRISPR questions answered


This is the second in a series of videos I’m doing where I answer questions about the stem cell field. You can see the Episode 1 video here. Today I tackle more questions on the stem cell field. If you have more stem cell questions, let me know and I’ll try to answer them next time.

Q&A video with Paul Episode 2: stem cell & CRISPR questions answered Read More »

Paper on 1st use of CRISPR in normal human embryos: problems remain


The first report of the use of CRISPR gene editing in normal human embryos was published today as a short paper from a team in China. There have been rumors for over a year that more CRISPR human embryo papers were coming including some using normal embryos. Here’s one and we can now expect more even

Paper on 1st use of CRISPR in normal human embryos: problems remain Read More »