Search Results for: crispr

Mosquitoes swat back via resistance to CRISPR gene drive


What’s more worrisome, potential disease-carrying mosquitoes or releasing self-perpetuating CRISPR gene drive out into the wide world to combat them? We know how the mosquitoes would answer that question, right? And they are fighting back, in a sense, at least in the context of experiments. Mosquitoes were able to develop resistance to gene drive intended […]

Mosquitoes swat back via resistance to CRISPR gene drive Read More »

Interview with Fredrik Lanner who is CRISPR’ing healthy human embryos


In the past year there has been a great deal of attention given to the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 for gene editing in human embryos. An important recent development, described in a new NPR article by Rob Stein, is the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in healthy human embryos for developmental biology research by assistant professor Fredrik

Interview with Fredrik Lanner who is CRISPR’ing healthy human embryos Read More »

Where are all the new CRISPR human embryo papers?


Last year I heard from several sources that there somewhere between 3-5 unpublished manuscripts reporting the use of CRISPR gene targeting in human embryos being shopped around at various journals in addition to the one that had been published. Since that time we’ve seen a grand total of one additional paper reporting on CRISPR of human

Where are all the new CRISPR human embryo papers? Read More »

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR


By Gaetan Burgio CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has dramatically changed our way to perform biological experiments. While highly efficient and easy to use, one limitation with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing technology is the occurrence of off-target effects and the restriction of the PAM recognition sequence. Many modifications from the original system have been proposed to improve

Gaetan Burgio New Data & Theory on NgAgo versus CRISPR Read More »

Controversy over CRISPR challenger NgAgo irreproducibility reported


Does the new gene editing method NgAgo work or not? If not, what happened? The answers to both questions seem to depend on who you ask and what you read. As much as CRISPR has been the revolutionary in the genetic modification technology arena over past methods, could CRISPR itself in the next few years

Controversy over CRISPR challenger NgAgo irreproducibility reported Read More »

2 Recent Science Hype Awards on CRISPR & Stem Cells


Science hype deserves negative attention for the harm it does including both to science itself and to patients. I’ve seen two really egregious examples of hype lately in science headlines. First from the Washington Post comes a stem cell story with a very hype-ful title: Stanford researchers ‘stunned’ by stem cell experiment that helped stroke

2 Recent Science Hype Awards on CRISPR & Stem Cells Read More »