Search Results for: crispr

First 3-person IVF baby born via “rogue” experiment at Mexico clinic?


Today we got the first report of a baby being born via so-called “3-person IVF”, sometimes called 3-parent IVF, in which the DNA of three people contribute to an offspring. Before discussing this further I have to emphasize that we need proof that this is indeed really a 3-person IVF baby via genetic testing. Until that […]

First 3-person IVF baby born via “rogue” experiment at Mexico clinic? Read More »

Nature Biotechnology looking at NgAgo paper amidst reproducibility concerns


When potentially game changing new technologies are reported such as NgAgo gene editing, both scientists and the public get excited, but especially if such new reports stem from a single paper it is wise to take a cautious approach for a while. The key question is whether the new findings will turn out to be

Nature Biotechnology looking at NgAgo paper amidst reproducibility concerns Read More »

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France


By Elliot Hosman Summary.  A campaign calling for a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos was launched by a prominent French organization fighting for narrow understandings of life and family. A recent campaign calling for a ban on “transgenic” human embryos was launched by one of France’s most prominent organizations fighting for “science”-backed “one-man-one-woman”

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France Read More »

Stroke story stem cell hype analysis: 9 very different headlines


I wrote yesterday about two cases of science media hype on CRISPR and on stem cells for strokes. The latter case on stem cell hype stirred the most discussion and even some harsh words in the comments. As this stem cell stroke story on an encouraging but very small, preliminary study has unfolded across the

Stroke story stem cell hype analysis: 9 very different headlines Read More »

Anti-GMO poster in Switzerland invokes human GMOs


Over on Twitter Magdalena Plotczyk (@MPlotczyk) posted a striking photo of an anti-GMO poster from Lausanne, Switzerland. The top part of the poster translates as, “‘After GMO corn, GMO children?’” As readers of this blog know, I do have concerns about the eventual production of genetically modified people using rapidly evolving genetic modification/gene editing technology such as CRISPR.

Anti-GMO poster in Switzerland invokes human GMOs Read More »