Search Results for: crispr

Scoop on this week’s Paris human gene editing/genetic modification meetings


This week there will be two meetings in Paris as part of the ongoing international dialogue on human genetic modification/human gene editing, CRISPR, and figuring out a wise path forward. A one-day workshop will be held on April 28th “jointly organised by the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), the UK Academy of Medical […]

Scoop on this week’s Paris human gene editing/genetic modification meetings Read More »

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells


A new study on treating pain with a unique stem cell connection caught my attention. The paper was from a team at Pfizer led by Edward B. Stevens. Talk about bench to bedside, these researchers went all the way from patients to patient somatic cells to reprogrammed IPSC to neurons to model pain in a dish

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells Read More »

Keys to successful stem cell translation – Nurses, physicians and patient advocates


By Heather Main I recently attended the UCSD Health CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Symposium at the Sanford Consortium, San Diego. There was of course some great academic research presented, including conflicting views on liver stem cell compartments from Roel Nusse and David Brenner, and advances in CRISPR technologies from Matthew Porteus. However, what

Keys to successful stem cell translation – Nurses, physicians and patient advocates Read More »

REGROW Act is Attack on Science-Based Stem Cell Trial Oversight


Senators Mark Kirk, Joe Manchin, and Susan Collins have proposed new legislation in the form of the REGROW Act that would substantially interfere with the FDA’s ability to properly regulate the development of new stem cell and regenerative medicine therapies based on hard science. The REGROW Act would force the FDA to allow rushed introduction of experimental stem

REGROW Act is Attack on Science-Based Stem Cell Trial Oversight Read More »

Weekend reads: sperm, stem cells, chimeras, STAP, DNA Apps


Here are some cool science reads to enjoy this weekend. Lab-grown sperm made from stem cells can’t swim, but are able to fertilize eggs, reports Eric Boodman over at STAT. Mouse-human neural crest chimeras: Not only a matter of black and white. Clever title. Antonio Regalado writes about a DNA App Store coming soon to a

Weekend reads: sperm, stem cells, chimeras, STAP, DNA Apps Read More »

A new possible environmental disaster: the gene spill


New genetic modification technology such as CRISPR-Cas9 has opened the door to transformative biological research, but it has also set the table for some novel kinds of technological problems for which we aren’t at all prepared including one that I call the “gene spill”. The striking potential upsides to CRISPR paired with some of the

A new possible environmental disaster: the gene spill Read More »

Join discussion of my new book GMO Sapiens on Talking Biopolitics tomorrow


I’ll be on Talking Biopolitics live tomorrow to discuss my new book, GMO Sapiens. You can RSVP at that link. You can get the Kindle version of the book here or the soft or cover versions at the publisher site here. Nathaniel Comfort will be interviewing me on the book and we’ll also be taking

Join discussion of my new book GMO Sapiens on Talking Biopolitics tomorrow Read More »

Recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science


I try to catch up on my science reading over the weekends and evenings. Here’s my recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science. Did I miss anything especially cool? Let me know in the comments. Direct reprogramming of skin cells into insulin-producing cells. I love direct reprogramming. Healios and Athersys Enter Into Regenerative Medicine Partnership.

Recommended weekend reading on stem cells & science Read More »