Search Results for: crispr

ViaCyte & CRISPR Therapeutics team up to battle diabetes

ViaCyte, cell therapy for diabetes

What happens when one of the most exciting stem cell biotechs ViaCyte teams up with a firm like CRISPR Therapeutics to use a combination of gene editing and cell therapy? Hopefully a synergistic partnership emerges that in this case can develop an effective stem cell-based therapy for diabetes. You can see a press release on […]

ViaCyte & CRISPR Therapeutics team up to battle diabetes Read More »

Mitalipov rebuts CRISPR pub critiques: strengthens case, but puzzles remain


Remember that Shoukhrat Mitalipov lab paper on the use of CRISPR in human embryos? It’s back in the news. One of the biggest stories of 2017 centered on a Nature paper (Ma, et al., see my quick, initial review shortly after it was published here) from Mitalipov’s lab claiming both efficient repair of a disease-causing

Mitalipov rebuts CRISPR pub critiques: strengthens case, but puzzles remain Read More »

Mulling over latest CRISPR tumult, this one from Nat Biot pub on DNA lesions


If it seems to you like dramatic cautionary tales about CRISPR accompanied by all sorts of media are coming at us more frequently, it’s not your imagination. In the latest yesterday, it was reported in a new paper led by Allan Bradley that CRISPR-Cas9 results in sometimes large-scale chromosomal lesions at or even away from the

Mulling over latest CRISPR tumult, this one from Nat Biot pub on DNA lesions Read More »

Poll: heritable CRISPR tried in humans in next 10 years?


Heritable CRISPR to be tried in humans sooner or later…or never? Will someone somewhere in the world try to use CRISPR gene editing or related technology to introduce heritable genetic changes into actual human beings in the next decade? I’m not talking about gene editing viable human embryos just for research which is already ongoing,

Poll: heritable CRISPR tried in humans in next 10 years? Read More »

Could Cancer Risk Claw CRISPR’s Potential? Some Balanced Perspectives


Could potential associated cancer risks claw into CRISPR’s potential? The short answer from both previous and new data is that while CRISPR gene editing impacts the P53 pathway, which is involved in cancer along with having many other functions, this news is neither too surprising nor a fatal flaw, but some caution is warranted. CRISPR

Could Cancer Risk Claw CRISPR’s Potential? Some Balanced Perspectives Read More »

The Hope of CRISPRcon: Year 2, Guest Post by Anna Everette


By Anna Everette The title of this article is partially borrowed from a fascinating Lightning Presentation delivered by John Doench of Broad Institute at CRISPRcon this year. In his talk, Mr. Doench pointed out how we’ve been looking up to this promising technology for a while now, hoping it will deliver the anticipated results (see

The Hope of CRISPRcon: Year 2, Guest Post by Anna Everette Read More »

Weekend reads: stem cells, organoids, cancer, CRISPR & a tiger named Igor


What are your typical weekend reads? If you are a scientist, they might often include a great deal of science. I always hope I can find time for reading for pleasure too, but about as close as I get to that is the New York Times on Sunday. Here are some recommended science reads for

Weekend reads: stem cells, organoids, cancer, CRISPR & a tiger named Igor Read More »