Search Results for: embryonic stem cell

The real, but oft-ignored risks of adult stem cell treatments


What’s the real story on adult stem cells? Do they really have little to no risk? As a self-proclaimed fan of stem cells, including adult stem cells, I often find myself writing and talking about them to a large, diverse audience. I’ve become a stem cell ambassador of sorts. However, I am also a realist

The real, but oft-ignored risks of adult stem cell treatments Read More »

Vatican in turmoil as it kills its upcoming stem cell conference

The Vatican has reportedly killed its planned upcoming stem cell conference. What’s the scoop? Last year the Vatican had an invitation only stem cell conference at which embryonic stem cell researchers, who are presumably going to Hell, and discussion of embryonic stem cell research were banned. I did a number of posts on this 2011

Vatican in turmoil as it kills its upcoming stem cell conference Read More »

The truth about Pepsi & Stem Cells: larger lessons to be learned

A lot of people are very upset at Pepsi for allegedly using stem cells in their research on artificial sweeteners. Why? What’s the real scoop here and what lessons can be learned from this more generally? I’ve been blogging as this controversy has evolved including posts such as Stem Cells in my Pepsi?, Stem cell myths: from

The truth about Pepsi & Stem Cells: larger lessons to be learned Read More »

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells


What’s the deal with the Pepsi stem cell myth? Does Pepsi have stem cells or ingredients from stem cells in it? No. Does the Pepsi corporation use embryonic stem cells to make Pepsi? No. These are myths. Nonetheless, pro-life extremists have been targeting Pepsi because of these fake connections between Pepsi and stem cells as

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells Read More »

Vatican Stem Cell Meeting 2.0: from stem cells to prison cells to hell?


We have another Vatican stem cell meeting coming up this spring. This meeting raises some extremely important questions and complex issues at the interface of science, religion, philosophy and ethics. From the perspective of scientists, an important issue is whether (assuming one is invited) to attend such a meeting and if one does attend, is

Vatican Stem Cell Meeting 2.0: from stem cells to prison cells to hell? Read More »