Search Results for: fda

FDA to end ‘grace period’ on stem cell clinics: agency should ‘go big’ on continued offenders

stem cell clinics map

Stem cell clinics violating federal regulations have been a major problem for the FDA. Next month the FDA faces a historic moment on this problem. A grace period for clinics to become FDA compliant ends in May. Even so, it appears that hundreds of clinics will remain non-compliant after that. Some of the worst clinics

FDA to end ‘grace period’ on stem cell clinics: agency should ‘go big’ on continued offenders Read More »

FDA OK’s more COVID-19 efforts of unproven stem cell clinics


In my view, it seems likely that the FDA has opened a big can of worms by starting to clear the COVID-19 trials and programs of for-profit stem cell clinics and other related firms. OK to Stemedica trial The FDA just approved another such effort, this one by the firm Stemedica. You can read more about

FDA OK’s more COVID-19 efforts of unproven stem cell clinics Read More »

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs


When you sit down to read science on the weekends lately, assuming you are not primarily a COVID-19 researcher, how much COVID stuff seeps into your reading? As I was going over some of this year’s recommended weekly reads posts here on The Niche, I’ve realized that an increasing amount of COVID-19 research has joined

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs Read More »

Recommended reads: FDA warning, COVID updates, stem cell pubs


What’s been going on in the stem cell and regenerative medicine field over the past week and what are some worthwhile things to read? Today’s post has recommended recent reads from the scientific literature and the media. I’ve also got our weekly stem cell/regenerative medicine quiz question and the answer to last week’s. You can

Recommended reads: FDA warning, COVID updates, stem cell pubs Read More »

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval?


Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is counterintuitive In the weeks and months following a transplant, a major concern is the recipient’s immune system rejecting the “foreign” biological material. But in GVHD, the opposite happens: transplanted tissue unleashes a horde of T cells that spark a cascade of inflammation, within 100 days. Typically, GVHD follows a bone marrow

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval? Read More »