Search Results for: ips cell

Interview with NIGMS Director, Jeremy Berg, part 1: grant advice, meritocracy


Obtaining research grant funding is a critical part of science, but the process seems to be getting more challenging each year. Funding rates are decreasing. Applicant frustration is increasing and many grant applicants tell me they feel confused about the differences between funded and unfunded proposals. The largest funder of biomedical research in the U.S. […]

Interview with NIGMS Director, Jeremy Berg, part 1: grant advice, meritocracy Read More »

Alienable: how personifying corporations & zygotes robs real people of their rights

In the U.S. Declaration of Independence three “inalienable rights” are said to be endowed on people: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People also have other rights in the U.S. including freedom of speech and religion. These rights seem clear enough, but wait a minute….what are “people”? What entity qualifies as a “person” to

Alienable: how personifying corporations & zygotes robs real people of their rights Read More »

L’Oreal Lancome gets hammered by FDA, why kid gloves for clinics?


Stem cell cosmetics is an exploding area ranging from facial creams (e.g. from L’Oreal and its Lancome) to face lifts to boob jobs to baldness treatments (see two key posts here and here for background and great stories). The stem cell cosmetics field has not been held back by issues such as the fact that

L’Oreal Lancome gets hammered by FDA, why kid gloves for clinics? Read More »

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide


What are Conflict of Interests (COI)? The term COI is sometimes used inappropriately as a weapon by one party to attempt to discredit others. We see this more and more frequently in the stem cell field with boosters of for-profit, non-FDA vetted adult stem cell clinics attacking scientists for supposed COIs for what…..apparently for simply

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide Read More »