Search Results for: organoids

What are totipotent stem cells & what can they do?

Multipotent & totipotent vs pluripotent stem cells, very early human embryos totipotent stem cells

Sometimes patients or my students ask me, “What are the best stem cells?” what information are they looking for? I think they often are looking for the most powerful stem cells so perhaps they should be asking, “What are totipotent stem cells?” Other times it seems what patients specifically want to know is what might […]

What are totipotent stem cells & what can they do? Read More »

Overview of IPS cell prospects for clinical impact


IPS cell research is a growing area of promise for regenerative medicine. These stem cells, also known as iPSCs or more formally as Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, are engineered cells that are programmed to function the same way as embryonic stem cells. They can be differentiated into possibly any type of cell that is needed for

Overview of IPS cell prospects for clinical impact Read More »

Can Gene-Edited Stem Cells Treat Cystic Fibrosis?


Drugs that restore the shape of the errant protein behind cystic fibrosis (CF) have, over the past eight years, helped the majority of patients, who have certain mutations. Gene-corrected stem cells might offer a “mutation agnostic” option to CF. CF results from a glitch in a glycoprotein with the unwieldy name “cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance

Can Gene-Edited Stem Cells Treat Cystic Fibrosis? Read More »

Weekly reads: lab meat, crow brain biology, direct reprogramming, more


Does time seem somewhat warped to anyone else in 2020 even without having  had COVID, which could alter brain function? It just seems like with everything going on that time simultaneously both drags and zooms by this year. One sort of reassuring element is that papers keep on being published so we can enjoy cool

Weekly reads: lab meat, crow brain biology, direct reprogramming, more Read More »

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs


When you sit down to read science on the weekends lately, assuming you are not primarily a COVID-19 researcher, how much COVID stuff seeps into your reading? As I was going over some of this year’s recommended weekly reads posts here on The Niche, I’ve realized that an increasing amount of COVID-19 research has joined

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs Read More »

Weekend recommended reads: Athersys, ALS, COVID-19, Fibroblasts, Zoom brain


What are you reading these days and does it include topics like cell therapies for COVID-19, ALS, regenerative potential of fibroblasts, and why Zoom meetings are so tiring for the brain? I cover those topics and more below with recommended reads including papers and media items. Here’s last week’s recommended reads. Here’s to fibroblasts, which

Weekend recommended reads: Athersys, ALS, COVID-19, Fibroblasts, Zoom brain Read More »

Groundbreaking Organoid Vision Clinical Study: Takahashi Q&A


Organoid based clinical trials are still rare and a search for such organoid work largely brings up in vitro studies. A new clinical study in Japan where organoid material will actually be transplanted into patients is causing a lot of excitement. Organoid clinical trial Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代) is a pioneer in stem cell-based

Groundbreaking Organoid Vision Clinical Study: Takahashi Q&A Read More »

Stem cell & regenerative medicine good news & pubs


There is always plenty of complicated, mixed-bag news on the stem cell and regenerative medicine front so it’s great to highlight when there’s some good news out there. Today’s post includes several such upbeat items. At the bottom I’ve included a list of some recent interesting publications as well. Good news on vision front: jCyte

Stem cell & regenerative medicine good news & pubs Read More »