Search Results for: rmat

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs


When you sit down to read science on the weekends lately, assuming you are not primarily a COVID-19 researcher, how much COVID stuff seeps into your reading? As I was going over some of this year’s recommended weekly reads posts here on The Niche, I’ve realized that an increasing amount of COVID-19 research has joined […]

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs Read More »

Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag


It’s helpful for me to learn about the readers of this blog The Niche in terms of who you are and your backgrounds. Because some people may want to vote more than once on the types of posts they like the most, I’ve allowed re-voting on that poll. Free stuff Those who participate and leave

Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag Read More »

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: COVID-19 updates, Cornea Fix, Pubs


Another week and more great papers and interesting news in the regenerative medicine sphere including COVID-19 updates, stem cells for vision, and more. Rebuilding Corneas With Stem Cells Stem cell-based regenerative medicine arguably has shown the most promise for vision loss. A PR from Massachusetts Eye and Ear says: Doctors rebuild damaged corneas using patients’

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: COVID-19 updates, Cornea Fix, Pubs Read More »

CAR-T cells review: cancer & a critical look at possible uses in aging & COVID-19


Introduction to CAR-T cells CAR-T cells are an exciting cutting-edge technology that has been garnering great interest including in the stem cell field. Potential therapeutic uses of CAR-T, which stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells (CAR-T), are being studied in clinical trials as immunotherapies to potentially fight cancer as well as many other diseases by

CAR-T cells review: cancer & a critical look at possible uses in aging & COVID-19 Read More »

FTC fires off many warnings to stem cell clinics on COVID-19


The FTC has sharply increased its oversight activities against stem cell and regenerative clinic firms. These new actions include quite a few warning letters. Here is the FTC database for COVID-19-related warning letters. Note that recently the FTC added a new, helpful option to view all of its warning letters here. It’s a good source

FTC fires off many warnings to stem cell clinics on COVID-19 Read More »

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell


Stem cell clinics and suppliers have been getting into the business of making promotional films to generate more revenue, but now there’s something very different in the cinematic stem cell arena called From Jail Cell to Stem Cell by filmmaker Doug Orchard. It is at its heart an exposé film about some in my view particularly concerning stem

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell Read More »

Q&A with Roxland on stem cell clinic suits by Iowa & Nebraska


I wrote last week about the Nebraska and Iowa state Attorney Generals filing lawsuits against stem cell clinic firms and three individuals also named as defendants. Although I went into detail about the individuals including leader Travis Autor and the firms, I didn’t yet go into much depth on the state lawsuits themselves in that

Q&A with Roxland on stem cell clinic suits by Iowa & Nebraska Read More »

Weekly reads: FDA news, goosebump stem cells, MSCs, autophagy


Ready for the latest recommended weekly reads in the world of stem cells and the regenerative medicine space including a bunch of important new FDA posts & changes? This post has quite a lot on the FDA since it had a very big week with several new items of major importance to the cellular and regenerative

Weekly reads: FDA news, goosebump stem cells, MSCs, autophagy Read More »

Weekly reads: ‘junk DNA’, COVID chaos, CRISPR CasΦ, & postdoc opps, more


Here are our weekly recommended regenerative medicine and other notable science reads including a few things on COVID. It’s been quite an interesting week. “Junk DNA” is not so junky, role in differentiation NIH scientists showed how ancient retroviral genes, or “junk DNA”, may play a role in helping stem cells decide to become neurons. This

Weekly reads: ‘junk DNA’, COVID chaos, CRISPR CasΦ, & postdoc opps, more Read More »

Reciprocal CRISPR gene editing in pediatric glioma: defining mechanisms & testing drugs


My lab’s new paper in Communications Biology focused on high-grade pediatric glioma that have mutant histone variant H3.3 and we did something fairly novel that we are calling reciprocal CRISPR. Kids with these tumors have a near zero survival rate within a few years of diagnosis so we as a field desperately need something new to give

Reciprocal CRISPR gene editing in pediatric glioma: defining mechanisms & testing drugs Read More »