Search Results for: stem cell biotech

Stem cell fake news driving biotech investors or vice versa…or what?


Is there a proliferating stem cell fake news problem in the biotech world? More broadly, the SEC is cracking down on the mess that is fake biotech news, but what about fake news on stem cell biotechs more specifically? Already in the past year I’ve seen examples of possible stem cell fake news. Hyped press releases (PR) […]

Stem cell fake news driving biotech investors or vice versa…or what? Read More »

What is your favorite stem cell/regen med biotech & why?

stem cell stocks

I’m putting together a list of stem cell and regenerative medicine biotech companies for a blog post, including both public and private. I’ve got a good list already, but want it to be fairly comprehensive. I’m also curious what readers think are the most promising ones and why. So weigh in with comments please or

What is your favorite stem cell/regen med biotech & why? Read More »

Can Stemcentrx thrive as a biotech killing cancer stem cells?


A stem cell biotech in the news this week was one that had mostly flown under the radar previously with aim to zap cancer stem cells. Stemcentrx has a focus on killing cancer stem cells as a novel approach to treating cancer. Antonio Regalado had a nice article yesterday on the company. He reports that Stemcentrx has

Can Stemcentrx thrive as a biotech killing cancer stem cells? Read More »

Biotech Talks #ISSCR2015: StemCells Inc, Semma, ViaCyte, & Le Blanc


The path to the clinic is a slow and arduous activity, frustrating not only to the researcher and patient, but investors and biotech companies. Successful clinical translation of technologies requires a balance of science, streamlined translation and funding. To develop fantastic science and then realise the most important components cannot be adapted to the clinical

Biotech Talks #ISSCR2015: StemCells Inc, Semma, ViaCyte, & Le Blanc Read More »

New biotech Semma Therapeutics stem cell diabetes arena


A new biotech startup, Semma Therapeutics, announced that it seeks to fight diabetes via translating technology from the lab of Doug Melton at Harvard to the clinic. Update: Note that the firm was recently acquired by Vertex. Another major player in cell therapy-based arena for Diabetes is most likely good news for patients. Quoted in the Boston

New biotech Semma Therapeutics stem cell diabetes arena Read More »

The valley of death: stem cells, biotechs, and money

For those of us conducting stem cell research, especially human stem cell research, I don’t have to tell you how expensive it is. Even just doing pre-clinical or basic science research costs a fortune. When you start talking about the kind of pre-clinical research specifically designed to get in the near future to a Phase

The valley of death: stem cells, biotechs, and money Read More »

Recommended reads: 3 infected in Mexico, stem cell hype, hearing restoration

muscle stem cell hype

Stem cell hype is a big problem these days. It’s been going on for decades. Even some generally good citizens of the stem cell and regenerative medicine arena engage in it at times. Maybe a few of them don’t even realize what they are doing. I think a few journalists occasionally fall into the hype

Recommended reads: 3 infected in Mexico, stem cell hype, hearing restoration Read More »

Recommended reads: John Cleese, surprising human embryo study, stem bank scandal, reprogramming & aging

John Cleese stem cells anti-aging, John Cleese

If you remember Monty Python, then you probably recall John Cleese. We’ll start with Cleese’s stem cell baloney. Not spam. Secret to eternal youth? John Cleese extols virtues of stem cell treatment, The Guardian. I’ve written before about John Cleese’s stem cell anti-aging efforts. As I told the author of The Guardian piece, I love

Recommended reads: John Cleese, surprising human embryo study, stem bank scandal, reprogramming & aging Read More »

Utah stem cell law OKs non-FDA approved placental cell drug therapies likely sparking conflict

Utah Rep. Katy Hall

Utah appears ready to pass a new stem cell law that would explicitly allow clinical use of non-FDA-approved placental cell drug therapies in the state. Bill 199 seems likely to set up a conflict with the FDA that may land in court. The key part of the bill says: “A health care provider whose scope

Utah stem cell law OKs non-FDA approved placental cell drug therapies likely sparking conflict Read More »