Search Results for: supplements

Our Educational Mission on The Niche Stem Cell Site


Our mission here on The Niche is primarily educational. We aim to make a transformative difference in educating readers across the globe about stem cells, regenerative medicine, and innovative biomedical science more generally including CRISPR gene editing. A major part of that mission involves fact-checking various medical claims about stem cells and other biologics like […]

Our Educational Mission on The Niche Stem Cell Site Read More »

Jellyfish on the brain: a critical look at Prevagen

crystal jellyfish aequorea victoria, Prevagen

I’ve been asked many times over the years if stem cell injections at for-profit clinics can help brain function, but recently the more common query is whether brain supplements such as Prevagen actually work. I’m skeptical of both unproven stem cell injections and supplements that are supposed to somehow help the brain, but some of

Jellyfish on the brain: a critical look at Prevagen Read More »

FTC fires off many warnings to stem cell clinics on COVID-19


The FTC has sharply increased its oversight activities against stem cell and regenerative clinic firms. These new actions include quite a few warning letters. Here is the FTC database for COVID-19-related warning letters. Note that recently the FTC added a new, helpful option to view all of its warning letters here. It’s a good source

FTC fires off many warnings to stem cell clinics on COVID-19 Read More »

Liveyon is back (again) with unproven exosome product


Remember our old friends Liveyon? Their leader John Kosolcharoen? Liveyon’s continuing metamorphosis This biologics supply firm has gone through several stages of corporate metamorphosis as a supplier of biologics including at first a purported living umbilical cord stem cell product. That stem cell thrust ultimately landed a dozen or more people in the hospital as

Liveyon is back (again) with unproven exosome product Read More »

Sentinel Takes Investigational Deep Dive into Florida Stem Cell Clinic Soup


When you think of Florida, what else crosses your mind first? Orange juice? Heat and humidity? Beaches? Disney? I don’t know if this says more about me or the state, but these days I think of stem cells. Florida and California are the two biggest hotbeds of the for-profit stem cell clinic world, each with

Sentinel Takes Investigational Deep Dive into Florida Stem Cell Clinic Soup Read More »

Five possible natural stem cell boosts (but do your homework)

stem cell boosts

What might be some natural stem cell boosts? How might we all increase the number or helpful activities of our own stem cells? If possible isn’t that a better, simpler, & safer idea than getting a transplant of stem cells? Think of it as preventative medicine via stem cells. Note that this post was updated

Five possible natural stem cell boosts (but do your homework) Read More »

Seismologist from Japan looks at the STAP cells mess


I’m a seismologist at the University of Tokyo, where I’ve been since 1984. I was the first tenured foreign faculty member in the history of our university. If you look at my publication list on the Researcher ID site you can see that my main research recent interests are modeling seismic wave propagation and analyzing

Seismologist from Japan looks at the STAP cells mess Read More »

5 ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy & younger


Here’s an updated 2013 look at protecting one’s own existing stem cells. Regenerative medicine is very exciting. But what’s even better than regenerative medicine? Preventative medicine. If one can prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, it is far better than trying to treat it after the fact. Of course in many cases

5 ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy & younger Read More »