Search Results for: ted talk

7 tech hurdles to human germline CRISPR


Human germline CRISPR raises major bioethical considerations, but what about technical issues? Setting aside the many ethical issue about the general idea of human modification itself, could this really work? Yes in theory it could, but there are some very tough technological challenges that could and likely would cause failures or unacceptable outcomes at many steps […]

7 tech hurdles to human germline CRISPR Read More »

Stem cell treatment cost: you often don’t get what you pay for


How much does a stem cell treatment cost? $5,000 is a nice round number that is probably close to the mark on average, but the price varies a great deal and depends on many factors. Factors that influence perceived average price include what one actually sees as being under that umbrella term “stem cell treatment.” Does

Stem cell treatment cost: you often don’t get what you pay for Read More »

Countering that Pro-Heritable Human CRISPR WSJ Piece


It’s germline, heritable human CRISPR time, right? Wrong. But the particularly enthusiastic supporters of heritable human CRISPR often cite hypothetical benefits in glowing terms, but either don’t mention risks or strongly downplay them. These fans also tend to leave alternative, proven and safe technologies such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) out of the discussion or

Countering that Pro-Heritable Human CRISPR WSJ Piece Read More »

ViaCyte Interview on Diabetes Stem Cell Trials & Cool Role of Gore-Tex Tech

ViaCyte, cell therapy for diabetes

When I think of the promise of stem cells for diabetes, the privately held California stem cell firm ViaCyte is the first biotech that comes to mind now. It has promising stem cell clinical trial work building. Today’s post is a new interview with the company’s CEO Paul Laikind. For past posts on ViaCyte see here, which

ViaCyte Interview on Diabetes Stem Cell Trials & Cool Role of Gore-Tex Tech Read More »

Why Mitalipov’s ‘magic’ room for human embryo CRISPR may give us pause


The debate over whether the main conclusions of the Nature paper on human embryo CRISPR led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s lab at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) are correct remains unresolved. Note that Nature just added an editorial alert just above the references section to their paper: “Updated online 02 October 2017. Editorial Note: Readers are alerted that some

Why Mitalipov’s ‘magic’ room for human embryo CRISPR may give us pause Read More »

Customers rate Nervana stem cell clinic harshly on Yelp


Sacramento’s Nervana stem cell clinic has been selling non-FDA approved stem cell therapies to patients for a variety of conditions including arthritis, pain, and neuropathy for a while now since last year, but in my opinion there isn’t good evidence to back up using amniotic or fat stem cells for such conditions. Further, my understanding

Customers rate Nervana stem cell clinic harshly on Yelp Read More »

Six questions as FDA takes new shot at stem cell clinics


The FDA issued a historic statement today promising to more clearly define its regulatory policies on stem cell therapies and to take strong action on some stem cell clinics that it views as “bad actors”. I’ve never the FDA use such clear-cut language before. I give big kudos to new FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. It already

Six questions as FDA takes new shot at stem cell clinics Read More »

Scientist’s dilemma: find a public voice on big issues or stay silent?


There is a scientist’s dilemma: should you speak out on important, sometimes controversial issues in science, where you not only can potentially have positive impact, but also risk being attacked for it? Or do you remain silent? I’ve now been blogging for more than 7 years. I’ve battled the often exploitive for-profit stem cell clinics

Scientist’s dilemma: find a public voice on big issues or stay silent? Read More »