Search Results for: ted talk

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie


By Heather Main I moved to the San Diego from Australia in August 2015, and Paul asked me if I could write something on my first impressions of doing science in the US, as opposed to other countries I have worked/studied in (Australia, Scotland, Sweden and Singapore). If you look at the land size of […]

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie Read More »

A stem cell shot in the dark: clinics experiment on patients


Patients are increasingly being used as guinea pigs in the stem cell for-profit clinic world via what I call stem cell shot-in-the-dark procedures. The clinics have no logical basis for claiming that these treatments work and are safe. As the number of stem cell clinics continues to grow in the US and more physicians add on

A stem cell shot in the dark: clinics experiment on patients Read More »

Takeaways from new Yamanaka (山中伸弥) stem cell interview


Shinya Yamanaka is one of my favorite fellow scientists. His research is creative and rigorous along with having huge clinical implications. At the same time, Dr. Yamanaka sees the big picture and he’s very open about talking about real life as a scientist. I really appreciate both levels. In the past I interviewed him for

Takeaways from new Yamanaka (山中伸弥) stem cell interview Read More »

Just freakin do it: patients voice impatience on CRISPR for genetic diseases


Both before and particularly now after the big human gene editing summit in Washington, D.C. at the National Academy of Sciences, I’ve talked with patients about their views on this new technology including at last week’s World Stem Cell Summit. One of the most striking moments of the DC summit was when the mother of

Just freakin do it: patients voice impatience on CRISPR for genetic diseases Read More »

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit


I just got back from a historic summit on human genetic modification in Washington, D.C. New genetic modification technology, termed CRISPR-Cas9, has both made genetic modification a relatively simple matter for scientists and human genetic modification much more likely in the near future. Heritable human genetic modification could prevent some rare genetic diseases so there

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit Read More »

Live Blog #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #2: International Governance


How do governance issues for human genome editing work at the international level? Indira Nath, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, gives a nice overview to start the session. She raised the example of medical tourism and surrogacy in India. She argued for an international consensus on what is permissible on human gene editing. How

Live Blog #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #2: International Governance Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #1: Governance of human gene editing


Now we have an interesting panel starting on questions of governance on human gene editing. This will focus on institutional and national levels of governance. Pilar N. Ossorio, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Morgridge Institute for Research, is introducing the panel. Key question: how should emerging technologies being governed? Jonathan Kimmelman, from McGill, was the first

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #1: Governance of human gene editing Read More »