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Human Gene Editing takeaways from day 1 of #GeneEditSummit


The Summit on Human Gene Editing got off to a great start yesterday. I have four posts summarizing all the talks and my impressions on the points made (here, here, here, and here). What was the overall gestalt including from talking to people informally? What were the big takeaway messages so far from Day 1? Diverse views. […]

Human Gene Editing takeaways from day 1 of #GeneEditSummit Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #4: Societal Implications of human gene editing


This is post #4 of my live blogging of the #GeneEditSummit today. It is focused on societal implications so I’m really looking forward to it. You can read posts 1-3, here, here, and here summarizing the talks and key points from the meeting so far. Annelien L. Bredenoord, University Medical Center Utrecht, chaired the session. John Harris,

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #4: Societal Implications of human gene editing Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #3: human germline modification


The post-lunch session is “Applications of Gene Editing Technology: Human Germline Modification”. Prior to hearing it I’m curious how cautious or gung-ho the speakers will be, or if their gestalt will be one of balance in the middle somewhere. Robin Lovell-Badge, The Francis Crick Institute, was the moderator of this session. He said, “We’d be

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #3: human germline modification Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #2: State of the Science, #CRISPR


Now we hear from the scientists on the front lines of CRISPR, covered in this post #2 of the Human Gene Editing Meeting. You can read Post #1 here. Jennifer Doudna starts off the big human gene editing science session on the current state of the human gene editing science and CRISPR. She gave an

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #2: State of the Science, #CRISPR Read More »

Some patients unhappy with stem cell clinics


Over the years I’ve heard from quite a few patients of stem cell clinics who feel very strongly about their experiences. Some have quite positive views on getting stem cell interventions, while others feel very negatively about the stem cell clinics. I’ve heard more of the latter kind of experience. People often tell me that

Some patients unhappy with stem cell clinics Read More »

The worst thing I’ve read all year: @Slate piece on prostate cancer


I’ve read a lot of bad writing in the past year including on prostate cancer. Lucky me, right? It’s probably true for most of us. However, a new piece in Slate on prostate cancer and the Movember movement (an effort that raises awareness and funds for prostate cancer research) takes the cake as the absolute worst

The worst thing I’ve read all year: @Slate piece on prostate cancer Read More »

More tough FDA draft guidance on stem cells…still no action


The FDA released more draft guidance with strong relevance to the stem cell field. This October 2015 new draft guidance follows about a year after three other previous draft guidances that made it clear the current FDA thinking on various issues including stromal vascular fraction (SVF; fat stem cells) was much more restrictive than generally

More tough FDA draft guidance on stem cells…still no action Read More »