The stem cell field lost a great scientist and friend this week with the passing of Meri Firpo from metastatic breast cancer. I’m going to post a tribute to Meri from several of us sometime this coming week. I’m in a bit of a somber mood but still trying to write, read, and do all the other usual academic stuff. Here are this week’s recommended reads.
Ethical issues and public communication in the development of cell-based treatments for COVID-19: Lessons from the pandemic, Stem Cell Reports. The authors Leigh Turner, Megan Munsie, Aaron D. Levine and Laertis Ikonomou provide a helpful overview of the cell therapy for COVID-19 arena and provide some perspectives on ways things could be improved. They cite work from my student Mina Kim and I where we evaluated the anticipated rigor of COVID-19 cellular therapy trials in the journal Regenerative Medicine.
Stem cell reads & other regenerative reads
- Introducing dorsoventral patterning in adult regenerating lizard tails with gene-edited embryonic neural stem cells, Nat. Comm. See image from Fig. 1 above. In this context, tissue regeneration is not able to reproduce the complex patterning of normal development.
- A cis-acting structural variation at the ZNF558 locus controls a gene regulatory network in human brain development, Cell Stem Cell
- Joint single-cell multiomic analysis in Wnt3a induced asymmetric stem cell division, Nat. Comm.
- Stress-responsive transcription factors train stem cells to remember, Cell Stem Cell
- ZFP423 controls EBF2 coactivator recruitment and PPARγ occupancy to determine the thermogenic plasticity of adipocytes, G&D
- Morc3 silences endogenous retroviruses by enabling Daxx-mediated histone H3.3 incorporation, Nat. Comm.
- Emerging roles of bromodomain protein 4 in regulation of stem cell identity, Stem Cells.
- Want to add healthy years to your life? Here’s what new longevity research says, WaPo.