The last six months I’ve been spending even more time than usual writing NIH grants (and a few others). The last two weeks have been especially busy on this front as I am getting an R01 renewal out the door. My paper reading lately has been mostly related to the grant writing I’m doing.
Still, some stem cell newsy kind of items caught my eye this week.
First, if you haven’t already, please take a look at our Stem Cell YouTube channel and subscribe. Below I’ve pasted one of our popular videos on De-extinction of Woolly Mammoths.
Here are some recent news articles I noticed starting with some NIH grant stuff.

NIH grants and other funding news
- Starting with good news, CIRM just funded a bunch of interesting new research including a grant by my colleague Kyle Fink here at UC Davis.
- NIH launches grant program aimed at closing the funding rate gap between Black and white investigators, Science.
- NYU postdoc with federal research misconduct settlement awarded NIH grant, Retraction Watch.
More recommended reads
- FDA Warning Letter to Re-Gen Active Lab. This is a birth-related cellular product supplier. The FDA has been particularly active in the perinatal biologics space in the last few years. If you’re interested, I wrote recently explaining all about FDA warning letters, untitled letters, and more.
Stem Cell Companies Find Gratifying Niches, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News.
- Stem cell induced inflammatory hypertrophy of the cauda equina, Radiology Case Reports. This is a report of a severe adverse event from an unproven stem cell clinic.
- CRISPR debuted 10 years ago, in a paper hardly anyone noticed. Jennifer Doudna reflects on the DNA scissors’ first decade, STAT News.
- An experimental gene therapy with a hairy twist, CIRM Blog.
- Missouri lawmaker convicted of COVID-19 fraud and stem cell fraud schemes, KOMU. I’ve been following this case of Patricia Derges for quite a while.