Weekly reads: DNA methylation, H3 K27M in glioma, memory wipe, teeth

I’ve been more interested in histones and their modifications versus DNA methylation when it comes to epigenetics and chromatin.

In part this has just been because I have studied histones so much more. For example, we have been knocking out the two histone variant H3.3 genes, H3f3a and H3f3b, now for a decade.

DNA methylation, human embryo
DNA methylation in human embryos “(A) An example of a blastocyst used for 5-MeC labeling. Note the prominent ICM (arrow). (B) Mouse blastocyst with heavily methylated inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm that is evidently undermethylated. (C) In the fully expanded human blastocyst, the ICM (arrow) cell nuclei are moderately methylated while the trophectodermal (TE) cells exhibit an evidently more intensive pattern of labeling. (D) The blastocyst shown in Fig. 3C contains more than 100 cells with a distinct ICM (arrow).” Fulka, et al. 2004.

My lab also is studying H3.3 mutations in childhood high-grade glioma like H3 K27M. For a recent review of the role of K27M in glioma, I recommend this article by the wonderful Suzy Baker: Oncohistones and disrupted development in pediatric-type diffuse high-grade glioma.

However, of course, DNA methylation is extremely important too.

For example, I just wrote earlier this week about the roles of DNA methylation in so-called epigenetic clocks. DNA methylation is also crucial in a vast array of other functions. Here are some recent notable articles in this area.

DNA methylation this week

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