Search Results for: germline crispr

7 tech hurdles to human germline CRISPR


Human germline CRISPR raises major bioethical considerations, but what about technical issues? Setting aside the many ethical issue about the general idea of human modification itself, could this really work? Yes in theory it could, but there are some very tough technological challenges that could and likely would cause failures or unacceptable outcomes at many steps […]

7 tech hurdles to human germline CRISPR Read More »

Practical Plan for Managing Human Germline CRISPR


CRISPR Cas9 gene editing technology is a game changer on many levels both inside and soon outside the lab. There is a growing sense of urgency amongst biomedical scientists to take a proactive approach to current and future use of CRISPR gene editing technology in human germ cells and embryos. These concerns have been heightened

Practical Plan for Managing Human Germline CRISPR Read More »

Steven Pinker interview: case against bioethocrats & CRISPR germline ban


CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology is red-hot right now and I’ve been doing interviews with various thought leaders on it, which today includes Steven Pinker. This technology has great power for research in the lab and there are hypothetical transformative clinical applications of CRISPR too. The latter efforts could include experimental attempts at reversal of disease-causing

Steven Pinker interview: case against bioethocrats & CRISPR germline ban Read More »

Doudna & Others Testify to Congress on CRISPR, Human Germline Editing


The House Subcommittee on Research and Technology on Tuesday held a CRISPR hearing: “The Science and Ethics of Genetically Engineered Human DNA”. At the meeting, CRISPR pioneer Dr. Jennifer Doudna gave testimony along with Dr. Victor Dzau who is the President of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Dr.

Doudna & Others Testify to Congress on CRISPR, Human Germline Editing Read More »

Weekly reads: big CRISPR mtg, Mesoblast good news, Neuralink spiked

Victoria Gray, CRISPR meeting

Where do things stand with potential applications of CRISPR and other gene editing technologies in patients? Overall, things are looking very positive. CRISPR human trials This week the third big international human genome editing meeting took place in London. The summit addressed numerous potential clinical applications. It was good to see the agenda included quite

Weekly reads: big CRISPR mtg, Mesoblast good news, Neuralink spiked Read More »

Weekly reads: human CRISPR, MRT risks, private IRBs, skincare

David Liu, human CRISPR

It’s funny how sometimes there are many new articles about one general topic like this week with heritable (and somatic) human CRISPR gene editing and related tech.  There are clear reasons for optimism in the somatic arena given advancing trials. Germline editing remains highly questionable in my view even just technically. Then there are loads

Weekly reads: human CRISPR, MRT risks, private IRBs, skincare Read More »

He Jiankui says he’s back in the lab after prison for CRISPR babies

He Jiankui

Earlier this year Chinese researcher He Jiankui finished his prison sentence. When I saw that news I wondered about the next chapter for him. It seems he’s already back in the lab doing genetics research. At least that’s according to a blog by He Jiankui himself. Can we trust that what he has written on his website is

He Jiankui says he’s back in the lab after prison for CRISPR babies Read More »

Updates on CRISPR therapy development and clinical trials

When I first heard of CRISPR gene editing I was excited for my lab to try it out, but it seemed a long way from the field having even one CRISPR therapy available to treat human disease. In the Knoepfler lab, we study genetic and genomic programming in human development and disease. Gene editing seemed

Updates on CRISPR therapy development and clinical trials Read More »

Recommend reads: CRISPR baby guy free, DNMT3, sperm, Editas, hearing loss, reprogramming

Dura et al sperm development

We often don’t think of them that way but reproductive cells like sperm and egg are also relatives of stem cells, and it turns out that there are stem cells that make the reproductive cells too like sperm stem cells. Sperm and germ cell stem cells DNMT3A-dependent DNA methylation is required for spermatogonial stem cells

Recommend reads: CRISPR baby guy free, DNMT3, sperm, Editas, hearing loss, reprogramming Read More »

Ukraine clinic plans to sell CRISPR enhancements: hair color, skin, & breast size

medeus clinic crispr enhancements

It was a couple of years back that researcher He Jiankui claimed he made three “CRISPR babies.” No one would think about doing any kind of rogue gene-editing again, right? Not even somatic gene edits. After all, as far as we know he’s in jail. We still don’t know the health risks that these three

Ukraine clinic plans to sell CRISPR enhancements: hair color, skin, & breast size Read More »