Victory for science and patients: what the appeals court ES cell ruling means (UPDATE)


A Federal Appeals Court ruled 2-1 today to overturn Judge Lamberth’s injunction against federal funding of ES cell research. Great news! You can read the decision here (warning: big pdf). A key part of the ruling was the following: “the plaintiffs are unlikely to prevail because Dickey-Wicker is ambiguous and the NIH seems reasonably to […]

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What is a survivor?

What is a survivor? Dan Zenka, Senior VP of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, recently pondered this question in an excellent post on his blog.  The post has also drawn more than 50 comments, which I found very interesting based on the range of opinions and different perspectives. The comments are about prostate cancer, but could

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Roman Reed Act is funded! A great day for spinal cord injury research!

The California Public Safety Committee today passed AB 190 and in so doing has funded the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act! The action will provide up to $11 million a year in funding for spinal cord injury research. This is amazing news and is the result of a lot of hard work by

Roman Reed Act is funded! A great day for spinal cord injury research! Read More »

Big Vote today on AB 190: we need 1 minute of your help for years of impact

The vote was delayed a few weeks, but today is the big day. The California Assembly Public Safety Committee will vote on AB 190, funding the Roman Reed Act. So action is needed today! If AB 190 passes, there will be roughly $11 million/year for spinal cord research coming from $3 for each reckless driving

Big Vote today on AB 190: we need 1 minute of your help for years of impact Read More »

Trumping hope

When does politics trump hope? It seems all the time. I think politicians frequently take positions on science-related issues that they either don’t really believe or understand. Perhaps I’m wrong, but for example, I don’t believe that most national level Republican leaders oppose ES cell research. Most of us have either ourselves faced injuries or

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Who’s who in iPS cells: scientists, journals, funding agencies, countries, and biotechs

Who’s who in the iPS cell field?  In this post, I examine the people, journals, places, funding agencies, and companies that are the leaders in the iPS cell field. I start with publishing. Last year we did a post on publishing trends in the iPS cell field.  It suggested that the iPS cell field was exploding

Who’s who in iPS cells: scientists, journals, funding agencies, countries, and biotechs Read More »