
Што се матични клетки?

Radica Schenck

Што се матични клетки? (Editor’s note: this is another in our series of stem cell outreach posts. This one provides key information on stem cells in Macedonian.) Што се матични клетки? Што се матични клетки? | Зошто се важни матичните клетки? | Видови на матични клетки | Што се иПМ клетки? | Иднината на терапиите […]

Што се матични клетки? Read More »

The Niche foreign language outreach program: 2.5 million reads

stem cells

There was a time when The Niche was just about the only stem cell blog or even stem cell-dedicated website more generally across the globe. I realized early on that I needed to reach people who don’t speak English or for whom English is not their first language. This goal was crucial for effective educational

The Niche foreign language outreach program: 2.5 million reads Read More »

Congrats to Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest

Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest

Every year I run a number of contests here on The Niche and the most recent is a stem cell video contest.   I’m pleased to announce the winner of our contest is Lusubilo Mwalilino. You can see her video entry above, which is now part of our stem cell YouTube channel. Please check out

Congrats to Lusubilo Mwalilino, the winner of our stem cell video contest Read More »

What are stem cells in Arabic: ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟


This post in Arabic on “خلايا جذعية”  entitled”ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟” has been updated in 2020, and is part of our SCOPE stem cells not lost in translation project. You can learn more about the educational outreach project and read the other 33 languages there at that link. ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟ يتكون جسم الإنسان من العديد

What are stem cells in Arabic: ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟ Read More »

SCOPE 2017: learn about stem cells in your own language


I’ve been working on a stem cells in many languages outreach program I call the Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education (SCOPE). The idea behind SCOPE is to make available on the Internet a basic page of facts about stem cells in as many languages as possible. Our motto could be articulated as “Stem

SCOPE 2017: learn about stem cells in your own language Read More »

Cool biomed blogs you may not heard of: a drugmonkey, a med student, #CRISPR, & more


Science blogging is somewhat of a communal exercise. At least, it should be and cool biomed blogs are a great community. One of the most invigorating aspects of blogging is finding new blogs that are worthwhile and edgy. Below I list some of my recommendations for blogs that you might not be familiar with, but

Cool biomed blogs you may not heard of: a drugmonkey, a med student, #CRISPR, & more Read More »

Ask Me Anything on Stem Cells: Join me on Monday for Reddit AMA


For stem cell educational outreach I did a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” or Reddit AMA about 5-6 months ago on stem cells and the response was great. There were so many wonderful questions and comments. I only wished I could have gotten to all of them. In total there were more than 1,100 comments. Yeah,

Ask Me Anything on Stem Cells: Join me on Monday for Reddit AMA Read More »

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