
If you’ve had a stem cell treatment, how was your experience?


Have you had a stem cell treatment and if so, what was your experience like? Please also see our 2020 guide and polls on stem cell treatment cost. I really value the diversity of readers on this blog from all over the world. I know we have a lot of readers who are patients and have had […]

If you’ve had a stem cell treatment, how was your experience? Read More »

Some patients unhappy with stem cell clinics


Over the years I’ve heard from quite a few patients of stem cell clinics who feel very strongly about their experiences. Some have quite positive views on getting stem cell interventions, while others feel very negatively about the stem cell clinics. I’ve heard more of the latter kind of experience. People often tell me that

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Interview with Ted Harada Part 2: Right To Try, Neuralstem, and How He’s Doing


This is Part 2 of my interview with ALS and stem cell advocate, Ted Harada. You can read Part 1 of my talk with Ted on where things stand today with ALS, the FDA, and the Ice Bucket Challenge. What’s your opinion of the “Right To Try” law in Colorado and the concept more generally?

Interview with Ted Harada Part 2: Right To Try, Neuralstem, and How He’s Doing Read More »

Ted Harada Interview Part 1: Stem Cells for ALS, More


Ted Harada is a wonderful patient advocate for the stem cell field and for the development of safe and effective stem cell products to treat ALS. Ted has ALS and received stem cell-based treatments for it with surprising, very encouraging results. The Harada family is pictured at left with Ted, his wife Michelle as well as

Ted Harada Interview Part 1: Stem Cells for ALS, More Read More »

Woman grows nose tumor in spine after stem cell injection


Clare Wilson over at the NewScientist has reported the case of a woman given an experimental stem cell treatment in Portugal for a spinal cord injury who later developed a strange tumor consisting of nose tissue. I highly recommend going over to that site and reading her excellent article. What’s the deal with this case? The woman was

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Sherley patent for reprogramming method like STAP cells


A new patent has been awarded to James Sherley for a very unusual method claimed for making induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The patent, No. 8,759,098, claims that a single non-genetic chemical agent, xanthine, can by itself reprogram adult stem cells (ASC) into iPS cells (aka iPSCs; see image they released at left). Surprising patent, huh? Another

Sherley patent for reprogramming method like STAP cells Read More »

Contemplating patients contacting me about stem cells


Lately on average patients or patient relatives contact me about stem cells more than once a week. That’s about 50 times a year. The patients or their parents have questions about stem cells most often. Sometimes they have comments about this blog. Other times they ask for medical advice from me. Because I am a

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Call to patients: let’s advocate together for stem cell clinic publishing

In this post I propose that researchers and patients advocate together to pressure the stem cell clinic industry to collect and publish such data. Why do I make such a proposal? Many thousands of patients have bought stem cell interventions from non-compliant stem cell clinics. Thousands of others are considering doing so. You can see

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Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient?


When I talk to people about stem cell science and the timeline for turning data into treatments and cures, their reactions completely depend on whom they are. Scientists are patient, perhaps too patient….perhaps too understanding of the many years that we are told that science takes to get something to the clinic. Patients and patient

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient? Read More »